I welcome highly motivated undergraduate with strong math/programming
skills to work with me on research projects in machine
learning. Such a project can be taken for credit as your
fourth-year honor project.But usually such a project would take much
longer than one semester.
As such, if you are an udnergraduate student and consider doing such a project, it is recommended that you approach me way before you begin your fourth year, in fact, as early as possible. This way, I can coach you and have you slowly build the required technical foudations before the project officially starts. Note that these projects have a complexity much higher than a usual honor project. If I decide to take you, the expected workload for learning and research is about 15 hours/week on average. You may expect to gain the following during the course of such a project.
There are always such projects open. Interested and determined students please feel free to contact me.When you contact me for such project experience, please include in your email:
Contactez: L'École d'ingénierie et de technologie de l'information /
Contact: School of Information Technology and Engineering
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