The First Research Workshop on Applied Allgortihms:
Distributed Computing, Wireless Computing and Sensor Networks
RWAA 2008 is a two-week workshop to be held in "The Vincci Nour Palace" hotel, Mahdia, Tunisia. It is a special research meeting dedicated to addressing the challenges in the area of applied algorithms with a special focus on distributed computing, wireless computing and sensor networks.
Unlike traditional conferences and workshops, the goal of RWAA is not to announce research results but rather to produce some. In particular, RWAA aims to pinpoint the more interesting open research problems in the area and to make a concentrated effort towards their solutions. To achieve this goal, in addition to experienced researchers in distributed computing, wireless computing and sensor networks, participants to the workshop also include experts in other disciplines, who are unaware of the current research activities in the area and can thus offer novel ways of viewing things and approaching the problems. In addition to joint research with other participants, you may contribute by giving one or more talks, proposing special session/group and other researchers (and graduate students) to invite. Proposed talks will be conveniently grouped. Program is expected to be conveniently divided and led by program vice-chairs.
It is also an opportunity to attend the co-located international conference ROGICS'08 'Relations, Orders and Graphs in Computer Science' www.ROGICS.com (which is expected to have about 150 participants), and to informally interact with other workshop and conference participants.
Important Dates |
Hotel Reservation Date
March 15, 2008 |