call for papers, previous message From: (bertossi) Subject: CFP: XIV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 20:26:56 GMT CALL FOR PAPERS XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE CHILEAN COMPUTER SCIENCE SOCIETY The XIV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC Conference), will be held in Concepcion, CHILE, from October 31 to November 4, 1994. Papers presenting original research in Computer Science are being sought. Typical, but not exclusive, topics include: o Algorithms o Data Structures o Artificial Intelligence o Distributed Systems o Computer Algebra o Human-Computer Interaction o Computer Architecture o Office Automation o Computer Graphics o Operating Systems o Databases o Performance Evaluation o Data Communications o Programming Languages o Data Security and Cryptography o Software Engineering Program committee (partial list): Daniel Berry (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Francisco Cantu (I. Tecn. Monterrey, Mexico) Claude Crepeau (ENS, France) John Darlington (Imperial College, UK) George Davida (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA) Carlos Delgado (U. Politecnica Madrid, Spain) George Gottlob (U. Tecnica Viena, Austria) Pedro Hepp (UFRO, Chile) Ernst Leiss (University of Houston, USA) Arjen Lenstra (Bellcore, USA) Claudia Medeiros (UNICAMP, Brasil) Jaime Moreno (IBM Watson, USA) Miguel Nussbaum (P. Univ. Catolica, Chile) Eiji Okamoto (JAIST, Japan) Rene Peralta (Chair, Univ. of Winconsin, USA) Jose Miguel Piquer (Universidad de Chile, Chile) Steve Rudich (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Richard Scherl (Univ. of Toronto, Canada) Paper submission : Five copies of an extended abstract written in English, of at most ten typed pages, including e-mail address and/or a fax number, should be sent before May 16th, 1994, to the program committee chair : Dr. Rene Peralta E-mail: Elec. Engr. & Computer Science Dept. University of Wisconsin P.O. Box 784 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 USA Fax or e-mail (Standard postscript) submissions may be considered in special cases. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by July 15th, 1994. The full versions of the accepted papers (camera-ready) must be written in English, and will be due by August 15th, 1994. The proceedings conference will be published by an international publisher as in the last three years. Additional information can be obtained from the Chair of the Organizing Committee: Carlos Isaac Phone: +56 2 552-2375 Depto. Ciencia de la Computacion E-mail: Pont. Universidad Catolica de Chile FAX : +56 2 552-4054 Casilla 306, Santiago 22 CHILE Note: Concepcion is 500 Kms. south of Santiago.