call for papers, previous message From: (Artificial Intelligence Conference 1994) Subject: CFP: Seventh Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 20:27:45 GMT ========= F I R S T ========= C A L L F O R P A P E R S Seventh Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'94) "Sowing the Seeds for the Future" 21 - 25 November 1994 Proudly sponsored by Microsoft Institute (principal sponsor), IBM, Sun Microsystems, Australian Computer Society, and Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science (UNE). Hosted by Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science The University of New England Armidale, N.S.W., 2351 AUSTRALIA AI'94 is the Seventh Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AI'94 is conducted under the auspices of the Australian Computer Society's National Committee for Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. The theme of the conference is "Sowing the Seeds for the Future", which reflects the nature of research in Artificial Intelligence. The goal of the conference is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific interchange among AI researchers and practitioners. AI'94 will be hosted by The Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science at The University of New England, between Monday 21st November to Friday 25th November 1994. PROGRAM COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR ORGANISING COMMITTEE Dr. Chengqi Zhang (co-chair) Dr. Dickson Lukose (chair) Prof. John Debenham (co-chair) Mr. Allan Williams (secretary) Dr. Simant Dube (treasurer) Mr. Neil Dunstan Ms. Gabrielle Aldridge We invite authors to submit papers describing both experimental and theoretical results from all stages of AI research. In particular, we encourage submission of papers that describe innovative concepts, techniques, perspectives, or observations that are not yet supported by mature results. Such submissions must include substantial analysis of the ideas, the technology needed to realise them, and their potential impact. Papers describing applied AI are particularly solicited. In addition, because of the essential interdisciplinary nature of AI and the need to maintain effective communication across sub-specialties, we encourage authors to position and motivate their work in the larger context of the general AI community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Machine Learning Knowledge Acquisition Natural Language Processing Natural Language Understanding Hybrid Systems Genetic Algorithms Evolutionary Programming Knowledge Based Systems Knowledge Representation Qualitative Reasoning Automated Reasoning Planning and Scheduling Cognitive Modelling Robotics Vision Distributed Artificial Intelligence Neural Network Image Analysis Authors are invited to submit complete, original papers in the format specified below, reflecting their current research results. All submitted papers will be refereed for quality and originality. The program committee reserves the right to accept submissions as either technical or poster presentation paper. Authors must submit five (5) copies of the completed paper to the AI'94 Conference Secretary at the following address by 15th. June 1994. AI'94 Conference Secretary Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science The University of New England Armidale, N.S.W., 2351 AUSTRALIA All five (5) copies of the submitted paper must be clearly legible. Neither computer files nor fax submission are acceptable. Papers received after the 15th. June 1994 will be returned unopened. Notification of receipt will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. PAPER FORMAT FOR REVIEW All five copies of the submissions must be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" or A4 paper using 12 point type (10 characters per inch for typewriters or 12 point LaTeX article-style). Double-sided printing is strongly encouraged. The body of submitted papers must be at most 8 pages, including figures, tables, diagrams, and bibliography, but excluding the title page. Papers exceeding the specified length or formatting requirements are subject to rejection without review. Each copy of the paper must have a title page (separate from the body of the paper) containing the title of the paper, the names and addresses of all authors, telephone number, fax number and electronic mail address, a short (less than 200 word) abstract, and a descriptive content area or areas. The body of the paper should have a copy of the title and a page number on each page. To facilitate the reviewing process, authors are requested to select appropriate content areas from the list below. Authors are invited to add additional content area descriptors to their title page as needed. Artificial Life, Automated Reasoning, Behaviour-Based Control, Belief Revision, Case-Based Reasoning, Cognitive Modelling, Common Sense Reasoning, Communication and Cooperation, Constraint-Based Reasoning, Computer-Aided Education, Connectionist Models, Corpus-Based Language Analysis, Deduction, Diagnosis, Discourse Analysis, Distributed Problem Solving, Expert Systems, Geometrical Reasoning, Information Extraction, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Sharing Technology, Large Scale Knowledge Engineering, Learning/Adaptation, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Mathematical Foundations, Multi-Agent Planning, Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Perception, Planning, Probabilistic Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning, Reasoning about Action, Reasoning about Physical Systems, Reactivity, Robot Navigation, Robotics, Rule-Based Reasoning, Scheduling, Search, Sensor Interpretation, Sensory Fusion/Fission, Simulation, Situated Cognition, Spatial Reasoning, Speech Recognition, System Architectures, Temporal Reasoning, Terminological Reasoning, Theorem Proving, Truth Maintenance, User Interfaces, Virtual Reality, Vision, 3-D Model Acquisition. Each paper will be carefully reviewed. Questions that will appear on the review form have been reproduced below. Authors are advised to bear these questions in mind while writing their papers: How important is the work reported? Does it attack an important/difficult problem or a peripheral/simple one? Does the approach offered advance the state of the art? Has this or similar work been previously reported? Are the problems and approaches completely new? Is this a novel combination of familiar techniques? Does the paper point out differences from related research? Is it re-inventing the wheel using new terminology? Is the paper technically sound? Does it carefully evaluate the strengths and limitations of its contribution? How are its claims backed up? Is the paper clearly written? Does it motivate the research? Does it describe the inputs, outputs and basic algorithms employed? Does the paper describe previous work? Are the results described and evaluated? Is the paper organised in a logical fashion? IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission : 15th. June 1994 Notification of acceptance : 31st. July 1994 Camera Ready Copy : 22nd. August 1994 FURTHER INFORMATION All enquires regarding AI'94 should be directed to the following address: AI'94 Conference Secretary Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science The University of New England Armidale, N.S.W., 2351 AUSTRALIA E-mail: You may e-mail the following address with the Subject Heading "help" to obtain details on AI'94, UNE, and Armidale. ai94-info mail server has been established to enable electronic request for information regarding AI'94 Conference.