call for papers, previous message From: 100113.2636@CompuServe.COM (J B Thompson) Subject: CFP: Electronic Document Delivery Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 19:38:01 GMT The international monthly data communications journal COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS invites papers for a forthcoming special issue on -------------------------------- ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT DELIVERY ________________________________ Guest Editor: Dr Lillian Ruston, Bellcore, USA Publication: March/April 1995 Electronic Document Delivery begins with the process of getting information to end-users. It includes the initial creation stage, where an author decides what information to send, through verification and quality checks of both information content and presentation format, to final delivery, into a file, browser, CD-ROM, printer or other device. Yet these steps do not describe the entire range of possibilities; Electronic Document Delivery goes beyond simply getting a document into end-user hands. Electronic Document Delivery encompasses the end-to-end processes and technologies from information creation to archiving, management, access and delivery. Additionally, it includes making management and workflow policies for handling the information as it flows -- when under the control of its initial author, stored in an archive, loaded into a browser and sent to the end-users who asked for it. EDD opens the door to new ways of thinking about information and how it is managed and accessed. We can depart from the strict notion of 'document' and begin to consider new, more effective means of transferring information in ways that enhance and optimize workflow in organizations. Examples include knowledge bases of reusable information components, electronic performance support systems that aid users in the course of running software applications and other information delivery vehicles that have no analogue in traditional paper. Today, the steps that lead to a fully-operational Electronic Document Delivery process are starting to occur, albeit in small, relatively isolated, arenas. This special issue of 'Computer Communications' aims to publicize these efforts, to show its benefits, and to act as an as impetus for others who have not yet begun. Papers that present Electronic Document Delivery case studies, analyses of state-of-the-art architectures, tools and standards are invited. Discussion papers will also be accepted; however, we give preference to research that includes actual implementation solutions. Submissions made to the special issue should not have appeared in, or been submitted to other archival publications. All papers will be subjected to the journal's usual refereeing process. Papers developed from earlier conference and workshop presentations are welcome. Prospective authors should send six copies of their manuscript (in English) by 1st June 1994 at latest to: Dr L Ruston Bellcore, MRE 2A-247, 445 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07962, USA Email: 'Notes for Authors' and 'Notes for Authors Submitting on Disk' are published in the journal or available via email from the General Editor, Jeremy B Tompson ( Further information on paper submission is available from the Guest Editor, Dr L Ruston or the General Editor.