call for papers, previous message From: (OPATRNY.J) Subject: CFP: Canada-France Conference on Parallel Computing Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 19:36:42 GMT Canada-France Conference on Parallel Computing Montreal - May 18-20, 1994 This conference on algorithmic and structural aspects of distributed memory parallel computing will be held at Concordia University in downtown Montreal the week before the 1994 ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. Apart from the invited and refreed papers already chosen, a small number of contributed papers (which will not appear in the proceedings) will be accepted for presentation in the following areas of parallel computing: Communication in interconnection networks Discrete algorithms Embeddings and mappings Geometric algorithms Algorithms for unstructured problems Data structures Invited Speakers: Ravi Baliga (CERCA, Montreal) Jean-Claude Bermond (CNRS, I3S, Nice) Frank Dehne (Carleton U., Ottawa) Nicholas Pippenger (UBC, Vancouver) Dominique Sotteau (CNRS, LRI, Paris) Organizing Committee: Afonso Ferreira (CNRS, LIP, ENS Lyon), Gena Hahn (U. de Montreal), Jaroslav Opatrny (Concordia U., Montreal), Joseph Peters (Simon Fraser U., Vancouver), Vincent Van Dongen (CRIM, Montreal). Program Committee: Selim Akl (Queen's U., Kingston), Michel Cosnard (LIP - ENS Lyon), Pierre Fraigniaud (LIP - ENS Lyon), Marie-Claude Heydemann (U. de Paris-Sud), Arthur Liestman (Simon Fraser U., Vancouver), Prakash Panangaden (McGill U., Montreal), Ajit Singh (U. of Waterloo), Ivan Stojmenovic (U. of Ottawa), Denis Trystram (LMC, Grenoble), Alan Wagner (UBC, Vancouver). Instructions for Authors: Please send abstracts or full papers to Gena Hahn I.R.O., Universite de Montreal C.P.6128, Succ.A Montreal, Qebec, CANADA H3X 3J7 Only a limited number of contributed papers can be accepted and the criteria will be (1) relevance to the themes of the conference and (2) date of receipt. All contributed papers must be received in full by April 30, 1994. A final announcement will be sent at the end of February 1994. It will include travel and lodging information and will be sent to those who express interest by writing either to G.Hahn or, preferably, by e-mail to Partnerships: Centre Jacques Cartier, Concordia University, NSERC (tentative), PRC C3 du CNRS Francais % Find below a latex version of the announcement above for posting: \documentstyle[twocolumn]{article} \textheight 24cm \begin{document} \topmargin -2.5cm \title{Second Announcement and Call for Contributed Papers\vskip 0.5 cm {\bf Canada-France Conference on Parallel Computing}} \author{\bf Montr\'eal - May 18-20, 1994} \date{} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \setlength{\baselineskip}{0.50cm} This conference on algorithmic and structural aspects of distributed memory parallel computing will be held at Concordia University in downtown Montr\'eal the week before the 1994 ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. Apart from the invited and refreed papers already chosen, a small number of contributed papers (which will not appear in the proceedings) will be accepted for presentation in the following areas of parallel computing.\footnotetext{\small \mbox{Partnerships: Centre Jacques Cartier, Concordia University, NSERC (tentative), PRC C3 du CNRS Fran\c cais}} \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{-0.1 cm} \item Communication in interconnection networks \item Discrete algorithms \item Embeddings and mappings \item Geometric algorithms \item Algorithms for unstructured problems \item Data structures \end{itemize} \subsection*{Invited Speakers} \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{-0.1 cm} %\setlength{\parsep}{1 cm} \item Ravi Baliga (CERCA, Montr\'eal) \item Jean-Claude Bermond (CNRS, I3S, Nice) \item Frank Dehne (Carleton U., Ottawa) \item Nicholas Pippenger (UBC, Vancouver) \item Dominique Sotteau (CNRS, LRI, Paris) \end{itemize} \subsection*{Organizing Committee} Afonso Ferreira (CNRS, LIP, ENS Lyon), Ge\v{n}a Hahn (U. de Montr\'eal), Jaroslav Opatrn\'y (Concordia U., Montr\'eal), Joseph Peters (Simon Fraser U., Vancouver), Vincent Van Dongen (CRIM, Montr\'eal). \vspace{1cm} \subsection*{Program Committee} Selim Akl (Queen's U., Kingston), Michel Cosnard (LIP - ENS Lyon), Pierre Fraigniaud (LIP - ENS Lyon), Marie-Claude Heydemann (U. de Paris-Sud), Arthur Liestman (Simon Fraser U., Vancouver), Prakash Panangaden (McGill U., Montr\'eal), Ajit Singh (U. of Waterloo), Ivan Stojmenovic (U. of Ottawa), Denis Trystram (LMC, Grenoble), Alan Wagner (UBC, Vancouver). \subsection*{Instructions for Authors} Please send abstracts or full papers to \begin{center} Ge\v{n}a Hahn\\ I.R.O., Universit\'e de Montr\'eal\\ C.P.6128, Succ.A\\ Montr\'eal, Q\'ebec, CANADA\\ H3X 3J7 \end{center} Only a limited number of contributed papers can be accepted and the criteria will be (1) relevance to the themes of the conference and (2) date of receipt. \subsection*{Dates} \noindent All contributed papers must be received in full by April 30, 1994.\\ A final announcement will be sent at the end of February 1994. It will include travel and lodging information and will be sent to those who express interest by writing either to G.Hahn or, preferably, by e-mail to \begin{center} {\bf} \end{center} \end{document}