call for papers, previous message From: (Michele Bugliesi) Subject: CFP: 1st International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'94) Date: Tue, 15 Feb 1994 22:59:59 GMT CALL FOR PAPERS 1st International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'94) Namur (Belgium) September 28-30, 1994 Static Analysis is increasingly recognized as a fundamental tool for high performance implementations and verification systems of high-level programming languages. The last two decades have witnessed substantial developments in this area, ranging from the theoretical frameworks to the design and implementation of analysers and their applications in optimizing compilers. SAS'94 is the first international symposium on static analysis. It is motivated by the success of the three previous international workshops Jtaspefl and WSA'92, which were held in Bordeaux (France) and WSA'93 which took place in Padova (Italy). The technical program for the symposium will consist of invited lectures, presentations of refereed papers and software demonstrations. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of Static Analysis, including, but not limited to Abstract Domains Optimizing Compilers Applications Specific Analyses Complexity Theoretical Frameworks Experimental Evaluation Verification Systems Fixpoint Algorithms Type Inference Partial Evaluation Contributions can address any programming paradigm, including concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic and object-oriented programming. Papers must be written in English, must not exceed 15 pages (excluding references and figures), and must contain a cover page including the following: a 200 words abstract, keywords, and postal and electronic mailing addresses as well as phone numbers and fax numbers of one of the authors. Send SIX (6) copies of your submission by APRIL 30, 1994 to Baudouin Le Charlier, Institut d'Informatique, Facultes Universitaires de Namur (F.U.N.D.P.), rue Grandgagnage, 21 B-5000 Namur(Belgium) Email: Phone: +32 81 724977 Fax: +32 81 724967 Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers by JUNE 30, 1994. Final versions of the accepted papers must be received in camera-ready form by JULY 20, 1994. We anticipate that the proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. Program Committee: Andrew Chien (U. Illinois, USA) Patrick Cousot (ENS, Paris) Moreno Falaschi (Padova, Italy) Gilberto File (Padova, Italy) Pierre Jouvelot (CRI-Ecole des Mines, France) John Launchbury (Glasgow, UK) Baudouin Le Charlier (Namur, Belgium, Chair) Daniel Le Metayer (INRIA/IRISA, France) Xavier Leroy (INRIA, Stanford) Alan Mycroft (Cambridge, UK) Ulf Nilsson (Linkoping, Sweden) Martin Odersky (Karlsruhe, Germany) Antoine Rauzy (Bordeaux, France) Uday Reddy (Illinois, USA) Mads Rosendahl (Copenhagen, Denmark) Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown, USA) Peter Van Roy (PRL, Paris, France) Pierre Wolper (Liege, Belgium) Organizing Committee: Yves Deville(Louvain) Moreno Falaschi (Padova) Naji Habra, Jean-Marie Jacquet, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Denis Zampunieris (Namur) Location: Namur is a pleasant provincial town, 35 miles south of Brussels in Belgium, located in a scenic environment. Brussels and Paris are easily reached by train. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentstyle{article} %postscript \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.50in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\textwidth}{7.4in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.2in} \setlength{\headsep}{0.0in} \setlength{\textheight}{26cm} \pagestyle{empty} \hbadness=10000 \begin{document} \mbox{} \begin{center} {\Large Call For Papers\\ } $\ $\\ $ \ $ \\ {\Large \bf 1st International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'94)\\ }$ \ $ \\ $ \ $ \\ {\bf Namur (Belgium) September 28-30, 1994} \end{center} \parbox[b]{2.9in}{ {\center\bf Program Committee} \\ \\ \noindent\begin{tabular}{ll} Andrew Chien & USA\\ Patrick Cousot & France\\ Moreno Falaschi & Italy\\ Gilberto File & Italy\\ Pierre Jouvelot & France\\ John Launchbury & UK\\ Baudouin Le Charlier & Belgium, Chair\\ Daniel Le Metayer & France\\ Xavier Leroy & France-USA\\ Alan Mycroft & UK\\ Ulf Nilsson & Sweden\\ Martin Odersky & Germany\\ Antoine Rauzy & France\\ Uday Reddy & USA\\ Mads Rosendahl & Denmark\\ Pascal Van Hentenryck & USA\\ Peter Van Roy & France\\ Pierre Wolper & Belgium\\ \end{tabular} {\center\bf Organizing Committee} \\ \\ \begin{tabular}{ll} Yves Deville& Belgium\\ Moreno Falaschi& Italy\\ Naji Habra& Belgium\\ Jean-Marie Jacquet& Belgium\\ Pierre-Yves Schobbens& Belgium\\ Denis Zampunieris & Belgium\\ \end{tabular} % {\center\bf Important Dates} \\ \\ \begin{tabular}{ll} Deadline: &{\tt April 30} \\ Notification: &{\tt June 30}\\ Final Version: &{\tt July 20}\\ & \\ \end{tabular} % {\center\bf Location} \\ \\ \parbox[b]{2.7in}{ Namur is a pleasant provincial town, 35 miles south of Brussels in Belgium, located in a scenic environment. Brussels and Paris are easily reached by train.} } \hspace{-.6cm} %\rule[-.8cm]{.5mm}{15cm} \ \ \ \ \ \parbox[b]{4.3in}{ \setlength{\parindent}{0.5cm} Static Analysis is increasingly recognized as a fundamental tool for high performance implementations and verification systems of high-level programming languages. The last two decades have witnessed substantial developments in this area, ranging from the theoretical frameworks to the design and implementation of analysers and their applications in optimizing compilers. SAS'94 is the first international symposium on static analysis. It is motivated by the success of the three previous international workshops Jtaspefl and WSA'92, which were held in Bordeaux (France) and WSA'93 which took place in Padova (Italy). The technical program for the symposium will consist of invited lectures, presentations of refereed papers and software demonstrations. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of Static Analysis, including, but not limited to\\ \begin{quote}{\em \vspace{-.4cm}\begin{tabular}{lccl} Abstract Domains &&& Optimizing Compilers\\ Applications &&& Specific Analyses\\ Complexity &&& Theoretical Frameworks\\ Experimental Evaluation &&& Verification Systems\\ Fixpoint Algorithms &&& Type Inference\\ Partial Evaluation &&& \end{tabular}} \end{quote} Contributions can address any programming paradigm, including concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic and object-oriented programming. Papers must be written in English, must not exceed 15 pages (excluding references and figures), and must contain a cover page including the following: a 200 words abstract, keywords, and postal and electronic mailing addresses as well as phone numbers and fax numbers of one of the authors. Send SIX (6) copies of your submission by APRIL 30, 1994 to \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} Baudouin Le Charlier,&\\ Institut d'Informatique,&\\ Facultes Universitaires de Namur& (F.U.N.D.P.),\\ rue Grandgagnage, 21&\\ B-5000 &Namur(Belgium)\\ Email:\\ Phone: +32 81 724977 &Fax: +32 81 724967 \end{tabular} \end{center} Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers by JUNE 30, 1994. Final versions of the accepted papers must be received in camera-ready form by JULY 20, 1994. We anticipate that the proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. } \end{document}