call for papers, previous message From: (Erik Proper) Subject: CFP: Information System Concepts (ISCO3) Date: 11 Apr 1994 12:11:44 -0500 ******************** C A L L F O R P A P E R S ********************* IFIP WG 8.1 International Working Conference on I N F O R M A T I O N S Y S T E M C O N C E P T S TOWARDS A CONSOLIDATION OF VIEWS (ISCO3) Marburg/Germany, 28-30 March 1995 Sponsor: International Federation for Information Processing Co-sponsor: Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. ********************************************************************** BACKGROUND AND THEME: Most mature scientific disciplines have a sound and widely accepted foundation of basic concepts. This is not yet the case for our discipline of information systems. Numerous and widely diverting views abound in our field. It is acknowledged that there are various good reasons for applying different views, modelling approaches or paradigms for different sorts of information systems. But most of these differences are unmotivated or not well justified; they are the historical products of different research cultures and schools of thought. More regrettable are the differences caused by a school ignoring the work of others, or resulting from deliberate "product differentiation" by companies or universities in the information system field. For the future of our field, it is desirable to encourage a consolidation and harmonisation of views, wherever that is feasible. The current work of the IFIP WG 8.1 Task Group FRISCO ("FRamework of Information System COncepts") is a major step in this desirable direction. After the two successful ISCO conferences in Namur and Alexandria, this third ISCO conference is being organised, with consolidation and harmonisation as its aims. SUGGESTED TOPICS: * Investigations of the reasons for the divergence of views and paradigms in the information systems field, and possible remedies. * Studies to clarify and axiomatise key concepts for information systems. * Studies regarding integration or unification of conceptual frameworks for information systems. * Investigations of the conceptual relationships between the information systems field and the various neighbouring disciplines, such as software engineering, organisation theories, system theories, cognition, or semiotics. * Improvements to existing frameworks of information system concepts. * Approaches for integrating, unifying or transforming different modelling techniques or design methods for information systems. * Approaches to inter-operable information systems and re-usability of information system designs in different environments. * Approaches for adapting general modelling techniques or methods for specific application domains or sorts of information systems. * Investigations of the suitability of conceptual frameworks for addressing problems encountered in various sorts of information systems, such as database systems, active database systems, deductive database systems, multi-media database systems, knowledge-based systems, decision support systems, expert systems, document retrieval systems, information disclosure systems, real-time information systems, office information systems, management information systems, communication systems, etc. WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? Researchers, teachers and practitioners in the information systems field, regardless of their special connection to some specific scientific culture or school, sort of information systems, or sort of application domains. CONFERENCE SET-UP: It is planned to incorporate in the conference a tutorial about the results of the work of the FRISCO Task Group, followed by regular, original paper sessions, a poster session, and a panel session. For each regular paper, a discussant will reflect and comment on it, to provoke an in-depth discussion and debate. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: Original papers, fitting into the theme, are invited. They may cover one or several of the suggested topics, but are not limited to them. To submit a paper, send five (5) copies of your manuscript in English to the Program Committee Chairman by 28 October 1994: Prof. Dr. E. D. Falkenberg Department of Informatics, University of Nijmegen Toernooiveld, NL - 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands Email: , Fax: +31-80-553450 Submitted papers should not exceed 8000 words, and should have a front page where the title, the authors, their postal addresses, their email addresses, their fax numbers and their phone numbers are stated. The full paper, including title and abstract, but excluding the authors, should begin on the second page. Submitted papers will be reviewed and judged with respect to originality, significance, depth of analysis or insights, clarity and readability, and relevance to the conference theme. All submitted papers will be blind refereed. Pre-prints will be available at the time of the conference. The proceedings will be published after the conference by the official IFIP publisher. IMPORTANT DATES: Papers due: 28 October 1994 Notification of acceptance/rejection: 23 December 1994 Final papers for pre-prints due: 10 February 1995 GENERAL CONFERENCE CHAIR: Antoni Olive, University of Catalunya, Spain PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIR: Eckhard Falkenberg, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands PROGRAM COMMITTEE: F. van Assche, Belgium D. Avison, U.K. P. Creasy, Australia W. Hesse, Germany R. Hotaka, Japan M. Jarke, Germany L. Kalinichenko, Russia P. Kerola, Finland P. Loucoupulos, U.K. K. Lyytinen, Finland B. Nilsson, Sweden J. Odell, U.S.A. N. Prakash, India C. Rolland, France H. Sol, Netherlands R. Stamper, Netherlands R. Traunmueller, Austria T. Tse, Hong Kong A. Verrijn-Stuart, Netherlands D. Vogel, U.S.A. K. Voss, Germany Y. Wand, Canada S. Wrycza, Poland ORGANISING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Wolfgang Hesse, University of Marburg, Germany -- |--------- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- -- -- -- > | Erik Proper (, | University of Nijmegen, Department of Software Engineering, | Information Systems Group, Toernooiveld, NL-6525 ED Nijmegen,