call for papers, previous message From: (Ray Welland) Subject: CFP: 7th Conference on Software Engineering Environments (SEE '95) Date: 13 Apr 1994 11:52:47 -0500 +===================================================+ | SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 | +===================================================+ |7th Conference on Software Engineering Environments| +---------------------------------------------------+ | Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 5-7 April 1995 | +---------------------------------------------------+ Call for Papers --------------- SEE'95 will be the 7th in a series of major conferences held on Software Engineering Environments - the premier professional meeting in a European location to review, discuss, debate and learn about the most recent practice and research results in the field, drawn from a world-wide basis. There is a sufficient number of types and instances of SEEs in use and under study to be able to reason about them in a comparative sense and measure their effectiveness; hence the first thematic topic - qualification and quantification. There is a number of active software technologies - such as multimedia, neural networks and open systems - which are attracting widespread interest; the second thematic topic - the impact of active technologies - examines what impact these may have on SEEs, either as a component of an SEE or as the software which is the target of production by an SEE. In particular, CSCW, groupware and workflow management are emphasised as contributing to the third thematic topic - process-centred SEEs. This notice is an invitation to academic and industrial researchers and practitioners to submit papers on any aspect of Software Engineering Environments, though papers which address or emphasise the thematic topics will be particularly welcome. Initially, a draft paper should be submitted for consideration by the programme committee. Instructions for Authors ------------------------ Submit a draft paper of 4-5,000 words to Conference Chair, marked SEE95/EA. - by: 2 September 1994 - acceptance notification: 7 November 1994 - final paper by: 30 January 1995, for inclusion in the published proceedings. Environments fair ----------------- Proposals to demonstrate environments and infrastructures which are industrial-strength products, prototypes, or research demonstrators are invited; demonstrations which accompany a paper will be particularly welcome. Submit details and platform requirements to Conference Chair, marked SEE95/EF. - by: 2 September 1994 Conference Chair ---------------- Malcolm Verrall, Sema Group plc, Trafalgar House, Richfield Avenue, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8QA, UK; tel: +44 734 575900; fax: +44 734 502590; tlx: 848913 CAPIND G; email: All submissions should be made on paper; an email copy in plain ASCII would be welcomed. +===================================================+ | SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 SEE'95 | +===================================================+ |7th Conference on Software Engineering Environments| -------------+---------------------------------------------------+-----------