call for papers, previous message From: (Peter Brusilovsky) Subject: East-West International Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality Date: 14 Apr 1994 11:35:28 -0500 =========================================================================== This Announcement copy is from: April 14, 1994 =========================================================================== "New Media for Global Communication" East-West International Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality MHVR'94 September 14-16, 1994 * Moscow, Russia CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Papers Posters Tutorials Demonstrations The aim of the conference is to provide a discussion and demonstration platform for researchers and practitioners involved in the theory, development, application, and analysis of new computer media: multimedia, hypermedia and virtual reality. The conference will serve as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between Eastern and Western companies and scientists. This is the first serious international conference in the field ever held in the Former Soviet Union. The Conference is sponsored by the International Center of Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), Moscow, Russia. We invite you to participate in the MHVR'94 conference and submit proposals for papers, panels, tutorials, demonstrations and posters on the research, development and applications on topics related to multimedia, hypermedia and virtual reality. MAJOR TOPICS The conference will address theoretical and application problems associated with the three main directions: Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality. All application areas of these technologies will be considered. Areas of Interest include but are not limited to: - Hypermedia, multimedia and virtual reality for for cooperative work - Video conferencing - Hypermedia models - Structuring hypermedia documents - Educational issues of hypermedia and multimedia - Maps, browsers and navigation tools for hypermedia - Tools for knowledge mapping - Presentation of information using virtual reality - Evaluation of multimedia and virtual reality systems - History/historical perspectives on virtual reality - Virtual communities in networked multimedia and virtual reality - Cyberspace as a new frontier for learning - Mutual evolution of hypermedia, multimedia and virtual reality - Asynchronous Transfer Mode networking and multimedia - Open systems, platforms, and architectures - Hyperbase management systems - Integration of hypermedia and communication technologies - Multimedia and virtual reality in busyness and entertainment - Intellligent hypermedia and multimedia systems SUBMISSION Authors intending to present full papers should submit an EXTENDED abstract of up to 2000 words (of text only). Those intending to submit tutorial proposals, posters, or demonstrations should submit an abstract of up to 750 words. An abstract should include the title of the submission, type (tutorial, paper, poster, or demonstration), names and addresses of the authors e-mail of the author who is responsible for all correspondence, and a list of keywords. Please, indicate clearly one or two of the three main conference themes (multimedia, hypermedia, or virtual reality) on the top of your submission. All abstracts should be prepared in electronic form in ASCII format and sent by e-mail to Peter Brusilovsky ( or (if e-mail is not available) on a PC diskette to Olga Gornostaeva, ICSTI, 21 b, Kuusinen str. Moscow 125252, Russia Authors of accepted papers will be requested to prepare a full version (6-8 pages) for publication in the conference proceedings. Instructions will be sent concerning the final camera-ready format for their papers. All paper submissions which are not accepted as papers will be re-considered as poster submissions. For those who wish to attend the conference without submitting an abstract, please contact the Local Organizing Committee as soon as possible. CALL FOR WORKSHOPS A full day will be allocated at the conference for workshops. The purpose of the workshop sessions is for delegates to explore topics of common interest. Workshops will provide the opportunity for demonstration, discussion and interactive experience of multimedia systems. Workshop proposal of up to 750 words are invited. The proposal should describe the aims of the workshop, the system or project and the proposed method of conducting the session. Please also specify your equipment requirements and the maximum number of participants who can attend. Proposals for either half-day (3 hours) or full-day workshops will be considered. MHVR'94 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Papers and tutorials deadline 20th April 1994 Workshops deadline 10th May 1994 Papers and tutorials acceptance 20th May 1994 Posters and demonstrations deadline 20th May 1994 Workshops, posters and demonstrations acceptance 1th June 1994 Camera ready papers 20th June 1994 Registration Early 20th June 1994 Late 20th August 1994 Workshops 13th September 1994 Conference 14th-16th September 1994 Programme Co-Chairs: Piet Kommers (University of Twente, the Netherlands) Ralf Steinmetz (IBM European Networking Center, Germany) Robert Stone (Advanced Robotics Research Ltd, UK) Programme Committee: Tom Boyle (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) Peter Brusilovsky (ICSTI, Russia) Sergey Christochevsky (IPI RAN, Russia) Chris Dede (George Mason University, USA) Tom Duffy (Indiana University, USA) William Egnatoff (Queen's University at Kingston, Canada) Robert Glushko (Passage Systems, USA) Gene Golovchinsky (University of Toronto, Canada) Joel Greenberg (Open University, UK) Joerg Haake (GMD-IPSI, Germany) Nick Hammond (University of York, UK) Stephen Heppell (Anglia University, UK) Keith Instone (Bowling Green State University, USA) Jesse Jin (University of New South Wales, Australia) Milos Kravcik (Comenius University, Slovakia) Hilary McLellan (Kansas State University, USA) Jury Mohyla (Flinders University, Australia) Gregory Newby (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Toshio Okamoto (University of Electro-Communications, Japan) Valery Petrushin (Institute of Cybernetics, Ukraine) Michael Piech (Sun Microsystems, USA) Zhang Ji Ping (East China Normal University, China) Joseph Psotka (U.S. Army Research Institute, USA) Warren Sack (MIT, USA) Gerard Salton (Cornell University, USA) Mark Schlager (SRI International, USA) Thomas Schuett (IBM European Networking Center, Germany) Yoshitaka Shibata (Toyo University, Japan) Frank Shipman (Xerox PARC, USA) Alan Smeaton (Dublin City University, Ireland) Dmitry Subbotin (SSTC HINTECH, Russia) Nadia Magnenat Thalmann (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Uffe Kock Wiil (Aalborg University, Denmark) Venue MHVR'94 will be held in the International Center of Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) in Moscow, Russia. ICSTI, the sponsor of the conference is known in the world as the organizer and sponsor of a number of "East-West" international conferences in different areas of information technology: On-Line Information, Computer Technologies in Education, Open Systems, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence. ICSTI will also provide a special social and cultural program to give participants the opportunity to: - establish contacts and have meetings with colleagues from Russia and other Newly Independent States; - get first-hand impressions of current governmental, economic and social developments in Russia; - gain a better knowledge of Russian history, architecture, museums and theatre. Related events In a week right before the MHVR'94, ICSTI is organizing East-West Conference on Information Technologies in Design, Moscow, Russia, September 5-9, 1994. In a week right after the MHVR'94, ICSTI is co-organizing the third East-West Conference on Computer Technologies in Education, EW-ED'94, Crimea, Ukraine, September 19-23, 1994. In the same week after the MHVR'94 another traditional international conference on computer graphics GraphiCon'94 will be held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Queries about other international conferences to be held in xUSSR can be sent to East-West information server For further information about MHVR'94, please contact: Dr. Peter Brusilovsky E-mail: FAX: +7 095 943 0089