call for papers, previous message From: (Kasper Osterbye) Subject: ECHT94 Workshop on OPEN HYPERMEDIA SYSTEMS Date: 30 May 1994 12:20:49 GMT WORKSHOP ON OPEN HYPERMEDIA SYSTEMS in connection with ECHT'94 Edinburgh, September 18-23, 1994 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION POSITION PAPER DEADLINE JULY 15th. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please distribute this message --------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is growing consensus that hypermedia systems should be based on open architectures, allowing for easy and flexible integration of new media types, heterogeneous information repositories, and advanced presentation technology. The workshop will investigate different approaches to creating open hypermedia systems, and will attempt to present a differentiated view on what open hypermedia system are. The goal of this workshop is to identify issues in creating open hypermedia systems. By the end of the workshop, we hope to be able to identify different conceptual architectures around which open hypermedia systems can be built and to get a better understanding of exactly what is required of a third party application intended to participate in a specific type of open hypermedia system architecture. It is our hope that the workshop will give the area of open hypermedia systems the same boost as the Dexter model gave the area of monolithic hypermedia system architectures and data models. To ensure that the group is small enough for open interchange, the workshop is limited to 20 participants. These participants are chosen ahead of time on the basis of position papers sent to the workshop organizers. Position papers should be 3-5 pages in length and should clearly state the author's view of important results or research topics that should be addressed at the workshop. Electronic submission of postscript papers is preferred, but plain ascii email or paper will be accepted. Besides position papers, some of the leading researchers in the area will be invited to present their research. These presentations will serve as a foundation for the discussions at the workshop. Position papers and invited papers will be published as a technical report from Aalborg University and distributed to workshop participants before the workshop. The results of the workshop will be published either as an Aalborg University technical report or as a journal paper (e.g., SIGLINK/SIGOIS/SIGCHI). Workshop attendees are expected to participate actively, to ensure that this forum advances the state of the art. Participants will be expected to be familiar with all materials sent as preparation for the workshop, and to participate actively in the workshop discussions. Attendees may be asked to give short presentations that will serve as bases for discussion. The workshop is scheduled to last two days, with the following tentative schedule: Day 1 - (we are not yet sure if we will start Sunday 18th, or Monday 19th) 9:00 Welcome 9:30 Presentations by invited speakers 10:30 Coffee break 10:45 Presentations by invited speakers 12:30 Lunch break 14:00 Topics 15:45 Coffee break 16:00 Topics 17:30 End of day 1 Day 2 9:00 Topics 10:30 Coffee break 10:45 Topics 12:30 Lunch break 14:00 Conclusions 1 15:45 Coffee break 16:00 Conclusions 2 17:30 End of day 2 The first morning will be used to present and understand existing ideas and approaches. Based on this, we move on and discuss in relative detail topics in open hypermedia systems. At the end of the second day, we should try to condense the discussions into recommendations for future research, and attempt to define the differences between proposed and existing models. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: o Experiences with integration of third party applications o Requirements for third party application developers o Requirements for the underlying operating system and hardware platform o Functionality and layers of open hypermedia platforms: - run-time support and linking protocols - data models and storage - system architectures Send position papers to: Kasper Osterbye or Uffe Kock Wiil Coordinators, ECHT'94 Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems Aalborg University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Fredrik Bajers Vej 7E 9220 Aalborg O Denmark phone +45 9815 8522 fax +45 9815 8129 email: echt94-workshops -- Kasper Osterbye Internet: Aalborg University FAX: +45 98 15 81 29 Fredrik Bajers vej 7E, 9220 Aalborg Phone: (W) +45 98 15 85 22 DENMARK. (H) +45 98 11 09 25