call for papers, previous message From: (Dorota Kieronska) Subject: Workshop on spatial & temporal reasoning Date: 1 Jun 94 00:00:16 GMT CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop Spatial and Temporal Interaction: Representation and Reasoning AIMS The representational issues of spatial and temporal knowledge are fundamental to several disciplines, such as Intelligent Systems, Planning, Natural Language Understanding, Intelligent Process Control, and Discrete Simulation. Each discipline uses its own specific methods to model time and space. Further, there are diverse ways in which spatio-temporal reasoning is applied in different application domains. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers from different fields to exchange and share ideas on this subject. This one day workshop will be organised in Singapore in conjunction with the International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision on 8th of November 1994. The format of the workshop will be a single track session where participants will present their work and have time to discuss and summarise the presented work. It is the aim of the workshop to provide the forum for formal presentation and informal discussions. The number of participants will be limited to around 30 to allow for meaningful discussions. TOPICS Submissions are invited in the following areas ( not an exclusive list): Spatial and Temporal Representation in Vision and AI Intelligent Systems Intelligent Control Planning Learning Spatial /Temporal concepts Spatial/temporal reasoning Inexact reasoning Diagrammatic reasoning INVITED SPEAKERS Prof J. Egenhofer National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis and Department of Surveying Engineering Department of Computer Science University of Maine Prof. M.F. Land Sussex Centre for Neuroscience School of Biological Sciences University of Sussex. DUE DATES Papers due 1st July 1994 Notification of acceptance 1st August 1994 Final Camera ready papers 9th September 1994 FORMAT Authors are invited to submit three copies of their paper. The length of the paper should not exceed 20 (double spaced) pages including diagrams and tables. Papers can be addressed to Ms Michelle D'Cuna Curtin University of Technology PO BOX U1987 Perth, WA 6001 Australia IN COOPERATION WITH IEEE WA Section IEEE Australia Council IEEE Singapore Chapter Curtin University of Technology CO-CHAIRS Svetha Venkatesh and Dorota Kieronska, Curtin University. PROGRAM COMMITTE Monique Thonnat, INRIA, France Sabine Moisan, INRIA, France Sven Dickinson, University of Toronto, Canada Hari Narayanan, Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Japan M Srinivasan, Australian National University, Australia