call for papers, previous message From: Kim Guldstrand LarsenSubject: Nordic Workshop on Program Correctness 94 Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 12:42:53 +0200 First Announcement and Call for Participation 6th NORDIC WORKSHOP ON PROGRAMMING THEORY Aarhus, Denmark, 17-19 October 1994 The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers from the Nordic and Baltic countries interested in programming theory, in order to improve mutual contacts and cooperation. Typical topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to): - Semantics of programs - Programming logics - Program verification - Formal specification of programs - Program synthesis - Program transformation and program refinement - Modeling of concurrency - Programming methods - Tools for program construction and verification The workshop will mainly consist of 30-minute presentations, in parallel sessions; between these there will be time for informal discussions between participants. Participants are encouraged to present work in progress. A collection of abstracts of presentations will be distributed at the start of the workshop. Selected participants, based on the quality and topic of the presentations at the workshop, will be invited to submit a full paper for the Nordic Journal of Computing after the workshop. The proceedings will be published as a technical report. The following speakers have accepted to give 60-minute invited presentations at the workshop: * Matthew Hennessy (tentative) * Ib Holm Soerensen A further invited speaker is being arranged. The workshop is organized by BRICS, the recently-established Centre for Basic Research in Computer Science at the Universities of Aarhus and Aalborg. It will be held in Aarhus, starting at 9:00 on Monday 17 October, and ending mid-afternoon on Wednesday 19 October. PARTICIPATION: Please register as soon as possible, and by 5 September at the latest, using the attached form. N.B. Attendance at the workshop is limited to 75 participants: register early to ensure a place! Registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. SUBMISSION: If you wish to give a presentation, please enclose a one-page abstract of the talk. In the event that the number of proposed talks exceeds the number of slots available, the Programme Committee will make a selection, based on the submitted abstracts. The programme for the workshop will be distributed by 19 September. (Those who submit abstracts that are not selected for presentation will be able to cancel their registration and obtain a refund of the fees.) DEMONSTRATIONS: If you wish to demonstrate a non-commercial system that is related to the workshop topics, please specify what hardware and software is required, and enclose a one-page summary of the system. Note that demonstrations will only be organized if there is sufficient demand. ACCOMMODATION: is available in the building where the workshop is to be held: a medium-class hotel on the University campus. For information about fees, see the registration form. We hope to be able to reduce the fees for students and participants from the Baltic countries. Please indicate on the registration form if you are eligible for this kind of support. TRAVEL: Aarhus may be reached by direct flights from Copenhagen, London, Oslo, Stavanger, Stockholm and Gothenburg. The airport is Aarhus/Tirstrup, some 50 km from Aarhus. There are also frequent train connections between Aarhus and Copenhagen. Participants will receive further travel information together with confirmation of registration. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Kim G. Larsen Aalborg Univ., Denmark ( Peter D. Mosses Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark ( Ralph-Johan Back Abo Akademi, Finland ( Reino Kurki-Suoni Tampere Univ. of Tech., Finland ( Sigurd Meldal Univ. of Bergen, Norway ( Olaf Owe Univ. of Oslo, Norway ( Bengt Jonsson SICS/Uppsala Univ., Sweden ( Bengt Nordstrom Univ. of Goteborg/ Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden ( LOCAL ORGANIZATION: Peter D. Mosses, Karen K. Moeller. For further information or in case of problems concerning attendance at the workshop, please send a message to the following address: BRICS -- NWPT Dept. of Computer Science University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540 E-mail: DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Fax: +45 8942 3255 Registration Form 6th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory To register for the workshop, complete this form and send -- BEFORE 5th SEPTEMBER 1994 and TOGETHER WITH PAYMENT -- To: BRICS -- NWPT Dept. of Computer Science University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540 E-mail: DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Fax: +45 8942 3255 Name: Affiliation: Address: E-mail: Please mark with X the relevant [ ]'s below: [ ] I wish to give a presentation and enclose a one-page abstract. [ ] I wish to give a demonstration and enclose a one-page summary, together with a specification of hardware and software requirements The participation fee includes refreshments, 3 lunches, 2 dinners, and the workshop material. With accommodation, it also includes breakfasts. I request: [ ] accommodation in double room with bath (16-19 October) sharing with (or leave blank): per person 1450 DKK [ ] accommodation in single room with shared bath (16-19 October) 1700 DKK -- limited availability! [ ] participation without accommodation 825 DKK [ ] I wish to extend the above accommodation for the night of 19 October (at 360 DKK in single room, 230 DKK per person in double room) DKK [ ] Special requirements or dietary restrictions: Payment: Total Amount = _____ DKK The fee must be made payable to: ``University of Aarhus''. Please include your name and the following reference: ``97-510.4903 BRICS-NWPT''. [ ] Eurocheque (included with this letter) [ ] Submitted to Danish postal giro account 7 04 22 64 on date: (copy enclosed) [ ] Bank transfer to account 4809 973700 (Den Danske Bank, Universitetsparkafd., Langelandsgade 177, DK-8200 Aarhus N) on date: (copy enclosed) Participants eligible for cost reduction may defer payment till the request has been considered. [ ] I am eligible for cost reduction for the following reason: Signed: ______________________