call for papers, previous message From: Jana KohoutkovaSubject: SOFSEM'94 Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 12:06:44 +0200 (MET DST) CALL FOR PAPERS & PARTICIPATION -------------------------------------------------------------- | | | SOFSEM'94 | | | | XXI-st International Winter School | | on theoretical and practical aspects of computer science | | | -------------------------------------------------------------- November 27 - December 9, 1994 Milovy, Czech Republic Organized by Czech and Slovak Societies for Computer Science and Czech ACM Chapter Subject: SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is a two-week international winter school; its aim is to present the state-of-the-art activities across a wide spectrum of Computer Science. The programme has two kinds of presentations: Invited Talks (tutorials by prominent researchers in the field) Contributed Talks (presentations of original research contributions by SOFSEM participants). PROGRAMME OF INVITED TALKS: ============================================== (see Appendix A for abstracts and biographies) Bradfield J. (Uni Edinburgh, UK) :Verifying Properties of Concurrent Systems Eaglestone B. (Uni Bradford, UK) :An Artistic Design System Gaag L. (Uni Utrecht, Netherlands) :Bayesian Belief Networks: Odds and Ends Gottlob G. (TU Vienna, Austria) :Expressive Power of Logical DB-queries Hegedus T. (Comenius Uni, Slovakia):Computational Learning Theory and Neural Networks Hopgood B. (RAL, Oxon, UK) :New GKS and Extensions to PHIGS Jones N. (Uni Copenhagen, Denmark) :Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation Jul E. (Uni Copenhagen, Denmark) :Evaluation of the Emerald System Kleindienst J. (TU Prague, Czechia):Have you tried to talk to your computer recently ? Lloyd J. (Uni Bristol, UK) :The Goedel Programming Language Mellor P. (City Univ, London, UK) :CAD: Computer Aided Disaster Moessenboeck H. (ETH Zurich): Oberon - 2: A Modern Successor to Pascal and Modula-2 Reinisch F. (Siemens AG Austria) :Software Configuration Management in Modern SW Engineering Schroeder W. (GMD Berlin, Germany) :Scalable Operating Systems Strakos Z, Tuma M. (Academy of Sci, Prague) :Current Trends in Numerical Linear Algebra Voda P. (Uni Bratislava, Slovakia) :Logic as Programming and Programming as Logic Zuba G. (Siemens AG Austria) :Software Quality Assurance According to ISO 9000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The winter school is the 21st in the series of SOFSEM seminars held every year. This international winter school follows many successful meetings; it is intended to foster cooperation among people working in various areas of computer science. Its scientific program offers a unique opportunity to gain a relatively quick and representative overview about the selected parts of computer science, presented by top researchers. Its social program provides an optimal framework for discussions, meetings, contact establishing, and recreation. Especially suited for PhD students and young computer scientists. ------------------------------------ Venue: The winter school will be held at Conference Center Milovy located at Bohemian-Moravian Uplands by the town of 'Zdar nad Sazavou'. The location is easily accessible from airports at Prague or Vienna (2-3 hours by car, bus or train). Swimming pool, sauna, fitness-center, day-club and other services are available. Countryside provides a good opportunity for cross-country skiing most of the winter season. Advisory Board: Dines Bjorner (UN University, IIST, Macau) Peter van Emde Boas (Uni Amsterdam, Netherlands) Manfred Broy (TU Munich, Germany) Michal Chytil (Arthur D.Little Int., Prague, CR) Georg Gottlob (TU Vienna, Austria) Keith Jeffery (RAL, Oxon, UK) Maria Zemankova (Mitre Corp, McLean, USA) Program Committee: Chair - J.Staudek (Technical Univ. Brno), M.Bartosek (Masaryk Univ., Brno), J.Kral (Masaryk Univ.,Brno), J.Pavelka (Charles Univ., Prague), F.Plasil (Czech TU, Prague), I.Privara (Inst. of Informatics and Statistics, Slovakia), B.Rovan (Comenius Univ., Slovakia), J. Wiedermann (Acad.of Science, Prague), J. Zlatuska (Masaryk Univ., Brno). CONTRIBUTIONS: Contributed Talks: Authors are invited to submit 5 copies (or a postscript file) of full papers not longer than 4 pages representing their original work. It is understood that the research reported may also reflect early research stages, unpolished recent results, or informal expositions. Presentation time for a Contributed Talk is 25 minutes. Address for submissions: Miroslav Bartosek UVT, Masaryk University Buresova 20, 602 00 Brno Czech Republic e-mail: Poster session: Full versions of two-page posters in the final form are expected. Contributions not selected for Contributed Talk category may be accepted for poster session. Short communications: Two special evening sessions, devoted to short communications by SOFSEM participants, will be organized during the winter school. Language: The school is conducted in English. The proceedings including invited papers and accepted contributed papers will be available at the conference. Important dates: ---------------- Submission of contributions: June 15 Acceptance notification: September 1 Camera-ready version: September 20 Sofsem'94 winter school: November 27 - December 9, 1994 FEES The registration fee covers the organization expenses, accommodation and meals for twelve day winter school, as well as a copy of proceedings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ until 31st July 1994 double(shared) room single room ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic rates $ 350 $ 400 C/S participants 5 000 Kc 6 800 Kc Members of CIS, SIS, CZ ACM 4 500 Kc 6 300 KC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- after 31st July 1994: Basic rates $ 400 $ 450 C/S participants 5 600 Kc 7 400 Kc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (On-site payment in cash for non C/S participants also possible.) Additional support for students presenting accepted contributions may be requested. Banking : Ceska sporitelna Brno - mesto, Brno, Czech Republic Account Name : Ceska informaticka spolecnost, pobocka Brno Account Number : 6851659-628/0800 Detais of Payment: Fill in your name and affiliation. Organization: For more information regarding SOFSEM'94 and Local Arrangements (or if you wish to subscribe to Sofsem mailing list or to deliver a registration form) please contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix A - Invited Talks: Julian Bradfield University of Cambridge, UK Verifying Temporal Properties of Concurrent Systems --------------------------------------------------- The modal mu-calculus is a powerful logic with which to express properties of concurrent systems. There are algorithms which allow one to check whether a finite system satisfies a formula of this logic; but many interesting systems are infinite, or at least potentially infinite. The talks will be concentrated on an approach to verifying infinite systems. In the first talk, the modal mu-calculus will be introduced, both formally and by example, and then describe the tableau-based technique with which one can prove properties of systems. The second talk will illustrate the technique with some case studies, and describe a prototype tool to provide computer assistance for the human verifier, and discuss the problems it raises. .................... Julian Bradfield read Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and then in 1987 went to the LFCS in Edinburgh to do his doctoral thesis with Colin Stirling, on the topic of ``Verifying Temporal Properties of Systems''. After graduating in 1991, he worked on verification and logic research. He is currently on the Faculty at Edinburgh, working mainly on the modal mu-calculus. Barry Eaglestone University of Bradford, UK An Artistic Design System -------------------------- Artists, like engineers, experience materials and process management problems. These are analysed, and a solution based upon adapted engineering design systems technology is proposed. The artistic design system architecture, object model and user interfaces described are of the TEMA system. TEMA is named after a piece of music, and has been designed through analysis of the working methods of a composer. The design is being evaluated as a music composition demonstrator. The talk will review technologies used in the project: object-oriented database design method, the object-Z formal specification language, the postgres extended relational database system, and timbre-space based interfacing technique. .................... Barry Eaglestone is a lecturer in computer science at the University of Bradford. He coordinates a research group involving specialists in music, signal processing and computer science in Bradford, Stockholm and Berlin. He is author of a well reviewed text book on relational databases. Linda van der Gaag Utrecht University, Netherlands Bayesian Belief Networks: Odds and Ends --------------------------------------- In artificial intelligence research, the belief network framework for reasoning with uncertainty is rapidly gaining in popularity. The framework provides a flexible formalism for representing a joint probability distribution on a set of variables; in addition, it provides algorithms for efficiently computing probabilities of interest and for processing evidence. At present, the framework is being employed for various types of application, ranging from probabilistic information retrieval to medical diagnosis. This talk will provide an introduction to the belief network framework and will discuss use of the framework in diagnostic problem solving. .................... Linda van der Gaag is assistant professor at the Computer Science Department of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Her research concerns algorithmic aspects of reasoning in knowledge-based systems; her main interests are in probabilistic approaches to reasoning with uncertainty and in reason maintenance. Georg Gottlob TU Vienna, Austria Expressive Power of Logical Database Queries -------------------------------------------- Logical query languages offer a very flexible and powerful access to databases. There are basically two types of logical query languages. The first type has its origin in Logic Programming. It consists basically of the Datalog language and its extensions (Datalog + negation, disjunction, etc). The second type of query language consists of extensions of first order logic on finite structures with generalized quantifiers (e.g. Henkin quantifiers). The talk gives a brief survey of relevant results on both types of languages and present some of our own results concerning the expressive power of such query languages, measured in terms of Complexity Theory. .................... Georg Gottlob holds the position of a Professor of Computer Science at the Informations Systems Institute of the Vienna Technical University since 1988. He is currently the head of this department and of the Christian Doppler Expert Systems Laboratory. His research interests are: Database Theory, AI, Computational Logic, and Complexity Theory. Tibor Hegedus Department of Computer Science, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Computational Learning Theory and Neural Networks ------------------------------------------------- Computational learning theory is a relatively new field of theoretical computer science concerned with the formal analysis of algorithms for machine learning. Its goal is to establish formal models of the process of learning, and to understand what can and what cannot be learned efficiently in these models, providing thus a theoretical basis for the so far mainly empirical research on machine learning, and perhaps gaining insight into the human learning process as well. In the paper we give a short account of some aspects of the results obtained within the framework of computational learning theory, by describing several learning models and characterizations of learnability, and illustrating the considered approaches on examples taken from the context of learning on feed-forward neural networks. .................... Tibor Hegedus received a M.Sc. in Computer Science from Safarik University, Kosice, Czechoslovakia in 1991. He then enrolled in Ph.D. study at the Department of Computer Science, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. He has been studying computational learning theory with emphasis on neural networks. Bob Hopgood Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK New GKS and Extensions to PHIGS ------------------------------- GKS, defined in 1985, is the first ISO graphics standard to be revised. The review of GKS started in 1987 and has reached the Draft International Standard stage with the balloting for acceptance as an International Standard closing in March 1994. One major change is the introduction of a well-defined abstract picture which is defined and can be saved, transmitted, or displayed. The talk will give an Overview of the main changes incorporated into this new standard. PHIGS, defined in 1989, is required to be reviewed by ISO by 1994. The main areas of discussion are non-retained data, improved input functionality, better control facilities, internationalisation of the text model and several others. The talk will indicate the progress made in 1994 with these Amendments. .................... Bob Hopgood is head of the Informatics Department at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. His interests in computer graphics dates from 1961 designing a number of graphics systems in the 1960s and 1970s. He and David Duce are co-editors of GKS-9X. He is currently Chairman of the Professional Board of Eurographics and Chairman of the Executive Committee of ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. Neil D. Jones University of Copenhagen, Denmark Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation --------------------------------------------------- Partial evaluation is automatic program specialization: given a program and knowledge of some of its input data, a partial evaluator produces another program which, when run on the missing data, gives the same result as running the original program on all its data. One can compile by specializing an interpreter to a fixed source program. Further, compilers, and even a compiler generator, can be generated by self-application -- using the specializer to specialize itself. A special case is to transform an interpreter into a compiler -- useful because interpreters are significantly easier to write than compilers, but have much slower execution than compiled code. The talk introduces partial evaluation and describes some fully automatic partial evaluators. .................... Neil Jones held academic positions at Un. Western Ontario, Penn State Un., Un. Kansas, Aarhus Un., and Un. of Copenhagen. Organized several conferences in compiler generation and program analysis, wrote three books and edited 6, wrote around 60 articles on complexity theory, programming language semantics, compiler generation, program analysis and transformation. Eric Jul University of Copenhagen, Denmark Evaluation of Emerald --------------------- The Emerald language was originally designed to be used for distributed programming. It was based on experience with the Eden system and inherited several important attributes from Eden including object-orientation and the use of a concurrent language as the base language. Emerald went further by introducing abstract types, a flexible dynamic type system, fine-grained objects, and distribution concepts (such as on-the-fly mobility) as an integral part of the language. This talk will give a retrospective view of Emerald and will present our experience with the system along with the latest developments of the system. ................... Eric Jul is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen. He obtained a Ph.D. at the University of Washington. He currently heads the group for Distributed Systems at DIKU. His main research interests include distributed systems, operating systems, object-oriented languages, mobile computing, and object-oriented design and analysis. Jan Kleindienst IMB Watson Research Center, USA Have you tried to talk to your computer recently ? -------------------------------------------------- The intention of this talk is to present an overview of current technologies used in the speech recognition area. Speech recognition can be viewed as a problem defined by three axes: vocabulary size, degree of speaker independence, and the amount of silence between words. Think of it as a cube. The left-hand corner is a small vocabulary of totally speaker-dependent words, that must be uttered with a distinct pauses between each (isolated speech). As you move out along any axis, speech recognition gets harder and harder for the computer. This paper is going to describe the current state considering the tree-dimensional space mentioned above. .................... Jan Kleindienst received the M.S. degree in 1991 from the Czech University of Technology (CTU), Prague. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at IBM Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, USA. His research interests include operating system development and speech recognition. John W. Lloyd University of Bristol, UK The Goedel Programming Language ------------------------------ The talk will discuss the programming language Goedel, which is a declarative, general-purpose programming language in the family of logic programming languages. Goedel supports infinite precision integers, infinite precision rationals, and also floating-point numbers. It can solve constraints over finite domains of integers and also linear rational constraints. It supports processing of finite sets. Considerable emphasis is placed on Goedel's meta-logical facilities which provide significant support for meta-programs that do analysis, transformation, compilation, verification, debugging, and so on. The declarative nature of Goedel makes it particularly suitable for use as a teaching language, narrows the gap which currently exists between theory and practice in logic programming. .................... John Lloyd is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Bristol. He has been involved in logic programming research since 1980 and has published on the theoretical and practical aspects of a variety of topics in logic programming. He is also the author of a textbook on the theory of logic programming. He is currently working on the design and implementation of the programming language Goedel. Pete Mellor City University, London, UK CAD: Computer-Aided Disaster! ----------------------------- Computers can kill (or at least, muck you up in other ways)! This lecture describes a number of recent disasters in which computers have been wholly or partly to blame, including the Therac-25, which administered overdoses of radiation to its patients, the London Ambulance fiasco, the ill-fated Taurus system, the crashes of the Gripen fly-by-wire fighter, the failure of the Patriot missile to defend against Scuds and several others. The accident sequences will be analysed, and the part played by the inherent weaknesses of computer systems will be assessed. Recent trends in the design of complex systems will be examined, and the concept of ``risk homeostasis'' explored. The underlying social and human causes will be presented and analysed. Naught for your comfort (... just when you thought it was safe to back into the terminal room!). .................... Pete Mellor is with the Centre for Software Reliability, which is specialised in the measurement of various aspects of software dependability. The general areas of his interest are: Safety-critical software (particularly the use of software in avionics), Data collection for the measurement of software dependability, Standards for software dependability. Hans P. Moessenboeck University of Linz, Austria Oberon-2: A modern successor to Pascal and Modula-2 --------------------------------------------------- Oberon-2 is a streamlined object-oriented language developed at ETH Zurich by Niklaus Wirth and his co-workers. Among its most important features are block structure, strong typing, modules with separate compilation, and extensibility. Oberon programs run in a special environment that provides garbage collection, dynamic loading of modules, and multiple entry points to programs. It constitutes an efficient and extensible working environment. The language and the system are available on most platforms and have been used in teaching and research for more than 5 years. The talk explains the basic features of the Oberon language and system and shows how both parts can be used to write extensible software. .................... Hanspeter Moessenboeck is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Linz (Austria). He spent 6 years at ETH Zurich where he was involved in the development of Oberon-2. His current interests include operating systems, programming languages and object-oriented programming. Franz Reinish Siemens AG, Austria, Vienna Software Configuration Management in Modern Software Engineering ---------------------------------------------------------------- Up to date software development has to meet increasing requirements -- especially those with reference to the quality of the software development proccess. As state of the art quality management as well as product and project management can not be performed without efficient configuration management (CM) support. The importance of CM for practical work as well as a field of research is dramatically increasing. This makes it possible to investigate and compare already existing concepts and solutions as they have been provided by different authors and tool-vendors. Based on this abstraction possible future developments can be discussed in a much more productive way. Wolfgang Schroeder Technical University of Berlin, Germany Scalable Operating Systems -------------------------- The talk discusses state-of-the-art microkernel technology in the light of massively parallel and distributed systems. The goal is to try to answer the question of whether distributed (microkernel-based) operating systems are adequate for distributed-memory parallel computers or whether specific system software structures are required. If the latter is the case, how much will these structures differ from or have in common with distributed (microkernel-based) operating systems. The intent is to elaborate requirements for an operating system structure whose implementation need not be bypassed in order to achieve high-performance. The PEACE parallel operating system will be used as a case study in the course of exemplifying the various design approaches. To this end, PEACE will be compared to MACH (i.e., OSF/1) and CHORUS. .................... Wolfgang Schroeder-Preikschat studied computer science at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, from which he also received his Ph.D. Currently he is with the German National Research Center of Computer Science (GMD), Research Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technique (FIRST), Berlin, as a director of the System Software Dept. His main research interests are distributed/parallel operating systems, object-oriented software construction, communications systems, and computer architecture. Zdenek Strakos, Miroslav Tuma Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic Current Trends in Numerical Linear Algebra: From Theory to Practice ------------------------------------------------------------------- After short remarks on the history, the talk will review the state-of-the-art in numerical methods and mathematical software for solving large (possibly sparse) linear systems and mention some consequences for computing eigenvalues. The talk presents both the recent mathematical developments important for understanding and correct using the methods as well as the implementation issues (questions of numerical stability and limiting accuracy, characterizing convergence of iterative methods, data structures and system support, cost of implementation, etc.). Parallel computer architectures can ensure substantial speedup of computations, but, on the other hand, multiply the difficulties by adding new dimensions to the considerations. .................... Both authors graduated in applied mathematics from Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague. They took research positions at the Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences where they got PhD. in Computer Science (1986 and 1989). Main research interests: iterative and direct methods for large-scale computations, performance evaluation of parallel computers. Paul Voda University of Bratislava, Slovak Republic Logic as Programming and Programming as Logic --------------------------------------------- The talk will sketch a presentation of lower recursion theory, basic classical logic and computer programming in an unified way. Simple programming language Mini-Trilogy which can compute various classes of recursive functions (polynomially computable, primitive recursive, epsilon_0-recursive, etc) is based in logic, is a practical computer programming language with an efficient compilation. We use Mini-Trilogy in the meta-theory for the development of first-order logic. By doing this we emphasize the finitary character of most theorems in logic. It turns out that to prove a theorem of first-order logic means to write a Mini-Trilogy program which operates on proofs and then prove its properties. .................... Paul Voda has developed compilers for the languages Pascal (1973), BPS (1977), Trilogy I (1986-87), Trilogy II (1989-92). The theoretical research into the semantics of the last two languages was done at the the Universities of Edmonton and British Columbia (Vancouver) (1980-1988) and the research into the theme of the talk at the University of Bratislava (1993-94). Gerhard Zuba Siemens AG, Austria Software Quality Assurance Acording to ISO 9000 ----------------------------------------------- The term of ``Quality''; Definition of quality, quality policy, quality assurance, quality system, quality versus cost, schedule and functionality. Quality monitoring -- Quality Assurance -- Quality Management. Quality is duty of everyone in the company. The importance of quality. Tasks of top-management, project-leaders and assistants. Series of standards ISO 9000 Objectives and scopes. Field of application. References. The ISO 9001 Standard Quality-system requirements. 20 elements of quality. The Certificate. Auditing quality systems. Benefits. =========================== end-of-file =============================