call for papers, previous message From: (Ashwin Ram) Subject: CogSci-94: Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Date: 02 Aug 1994 21:27:17 GMT [PLEASE POST] Low-cost on-campus housing is still available for CogSci-94, which is being held August 13-16 at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Registration and housing forms are available electronically by anonymous FTP from, on the World Wide Web (WWW) from, and by e-mail from; or contact kathleen Eiselt, (404) 894-8591. The complete conference schedule and technical program is also available from these sources, and includes: KEYNOTE ADDRESS: - David Woods, "Observations from Studying Cognitive Systems in Context" PLENARY TALKS: - Walter Schneider, "Identifying the Modules of the Mind with fMRI: Imaging the Biological Stages in Visual and Language Processing"; Steven Small (discussant) - Lila Gleitman, "A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words -- But That's the Problem"; Paul Smolensky (discussant) - Michael Pazzani, "The Role of Existing Knowledge in Generalization"; Mark Keane (discussant) - (panel) "Cognitive Science 2004: The Last 10 Years"; T. Simon, Chair; J. Bates, D. Gentner, J. Greeno, G. Harman, M. Pazzani, W. Schneider SYMPOSIA: - "Scientific Creativity: Multidisciplinary Perspectives" - "What Animal Cognition Tells Us About Human Cognition" - "Learning New Features of Representation" - "Cognitive Science Meets Cognitive Engineering" - "Visual Reasoning in Discovery, Instruction, and Problem Solving" - "The Role of Cases in Learning" - "Collaborative Knowledge" PAPER/TALK and POSTER SESSIONS on: Categorization; Reasoning; Collaborative Problem Solving; Representation in Connectionist Networks; Situated Natural Language; Foundations; Analogical Reasoning; Sentence Processing; Problem Solving; Brain Modeling; Visual Perception; Mental Models; Learning; Belief Modeling; Speech; Analogy; Visual Reasoning; Perception; Language Acquisition; Syntactic Processing. For further information, please contact Kathleen Eiselt,, (404) 894-8591.