call for papers, previous message From: (Peter Sestoft) Subject: CFP: Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based PM, June 1995 Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 09:53:41 GMT Call for Papers ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '95) La Jolla, California, June 21-23, 1995 The PEPM 1995 symposium brings together researchers working in the areas of semantics-based program manipulation and partial evaluation. The symposium focuses broadly on techniques and supporting theory for the analysis and manipulation of programs to improve performance. Technical topics include, but are not limited to: - Program manipulation techniques: program transformation, program specialization, partial evaluation. - Program analysis techniques: abstract interpretation, static analysis, binding-time analysis. - Related issues in language design and models of computation: functional, logic programming, object oriented, parallel, distributed. - Programs as data objects: meta-programming, incremental computation, tools and techniques, prototyping and debugging. - Applications: scientific computing, compiler generation, algorithm design. Original results that bear on these and related topics are solicited. Prospective authors should submit papers directly to the program chair at the address below to arrive not later than November 16, 1994. Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic are encouraged to consult with the program chair prior to submission. Papers may be submitted electronically, either in Postscript or as a self-contained TeX or LaTeX file. Hard-copy submissions will also be accepted, which should include 7 copies, double-sided if possible. Submissions should not exceed 5000 words (about 10 pages), excluding bibliography and figures. Final papers may be longer. Excessively long submissions may be rejected outright by the program chair. Submissions should designate a corresponding author and include a mailing address, phone number, and Internet email address for correspondence. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, and clarity. They should include a clear identification of what has been accomplished and why it is significant. Submissions must include an abstract and discussion of related work. Papers must describe work that has not previously been published in a major forum. Authors should indicate if a closely related paper is also being considered for another conference or journal. Authors will be notified of acceptance by February 7, 1995. Full versions of the accepted papers will be formatted according to ACM conventions, and a camera-ready copy must be received by the program chair no later than March 24, 1995. Authors of accepted papers must sign an ACM copyright release form. Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and will appear in the proceedings published by ACM. Information about the conference is available on the world-wide web at Program Committee Craig Chambers University of Washington Radhia Cousot CNRS & 'Ecole Polytechnique Olivier Danvy Aarhus University Robert Glueck Vienna University of Technology Benjamin Goldberg New York University Tim Griffin AT&T Bell Laboratories Paul Hudak Yale University John Launchbury Oregon Graduate Institute Julia Lawall Brandeis University Erik Ruf Microsoft Research William L. Scherlis Carnegie Mellon University David A. Schmidt Kansas State University Harald Sondergaard University of Melbourne Mitchell Wand Northeastern University Publicity Chair: Peter Sestoft, Technical University of Denmark, Treasurer: Tim Sheard, Oregon Graduate Institute, Exhibits: Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Program Chair General Chair William L. Scherlis Neil Jones Department of Computer Science DIKU, Department of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University University of Copenhagen 5000 Forbes Avenue Universitetsparken 1 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA DK-2100 Copenhagen 0 DENMARK Email: Email: Phone: 412-268-8741 The symposium is held in conjunction with the ACM SIGPLAN Conferences on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI '95) and Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPCA '95). -- Peter Sestoft * * Department of Computer Science Technical University of Denmark, Building 344 DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Tel: +45 45 93 33 32 * Direct: +45 45 93 12 22/3749 * Fax: +45 42 88 45 30