call for papers, previous message From: (Chris Welty) Subject: KBSE Program and Registration Date: 17 Aug 1994 10:37:55 -0400 (EDT) This information is available on line at the KBSE Home page, URL "" or from the KBSE Info Line, KBSE-9 Preliminary Program Schedule TUESDAY, September 20, 1994 8:00 - 5:00 Registration 9:00 - 5:00 Tutorials KBSE-9 Tutorials Tutorial 1: A Survey of Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (Half Day) W. Lewis Johnson USC/Information Sciences Institute Email: This tutorial is intended to give attendees an understanding of the key concepts in knowledge-based software engineering. It will identify software engineering tasks that are amenable to knowledge-based solutions, and categorize the various types of knowledge-based systems that may be developed. The current state-of-the-art in KBSE research and development will then be examined in detail. The tutorial will also place Rome Laboratory's Knowledge-Based Software Assistant program in the overall context of knowledge-based software engineering. Dr. Johnson is Project Leader and Research Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute. He has been active in KBSE research for a number of years. He was chair of the KBSE '92 conference, and is a member of the KBSE Steering Committee. He is currently co-editor-in-chief of the journal Automated Software Engineering: The International Journal for Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning in Software Engineering. He conducts research in several areas in artificial intelligence relating to man-machine collaborative problem solving. Tutorial 2: KIDS: An Algorithm Synthesis System (Half Day) Douglas R. Smith Kestrel Institute Email: Dr. Smith will outline a formal model of the software development process being developed at Kestrel Institute. This model uses concepts from mathematical logic to represent application domains, software specifications, and knowledge about algorithms, data structures, optimization techniques, and software architectures. He will discuss how these representations are composed to produce executable code. KIDS (Kestrel Interactive Development System) is a state-of-the-art synthesis system supporting many aspects of this formal model of software development. Dr. Smith will describe the system and plans for its future development. The synthesis of a scheduler will be used as an illustration. Dr. Smith has been with Kestrel Institute since 1984. He has also been a lecturer at Stanford University since 1986 where he leads a graduate seminar on knowledge-based software development environments and automated algorithm design. His main research interest has been formalizing and automating the development of software from specifications. Tutorial 3: SPECWARE: A Formal Software Development Environment (Half Day) Richard K. Jullig Kestrel Institute Email: Dr. Jullig will discuss the SPECWARE system and the formal software system development process it is intended to support. SPECWARE views software system development as the evolution of a system of specifications. The primitive concepts therefore include specifications, precise notions of specialization and refinement of specifications, and diagrams of specifications to present complex specifications as systems of component specifications. Dr. Jullig will explain the theoretical basis of these concepts as well as their use in capturing and applying software design knowledge. The SPECWARE system is currently under development at Kestrel Institute. Its conceptual basis is an explication and elaboration of that underlying KIDS (Kestrel Interactive Development System). Its design goals include an open architecture, support of multiple target languages, integrated graphical and textual interfaces, and support of user interaction and automation. Dr. Jullig will demonstrate and discuss SPECWARE in its current state and plans for its future development. Dr. Jullig is the Associate Director of Kestrel Institute; he serves as both Research Scientist and Project Coordinator. His major research interests are in the areas of automated software synthesis, formalisms for the structural modeling of systems and the construction of systems from their components, and the compilation of declarative knowledge representations into pragmatically useful forms. WEDNESDAY, September 21, 1994 8:30 - 9:00 Opening Remarks 9:00 - 10:30 KBSA Panel 10:00 - 10:30 Break 11:00 - 12:00 Invited Talk - Robert Balzer, ISI 12:00 - 1:30 Lunch 1:30 - 3:00 Paper Session 1: DESIGN A Framework for Distributed System Designs, Martin S. Feather, USC/ Information Sciences Institute and Stephen Fickas, Department of Computer Science, University of Oregon Intelligent Assistance for Software Construction: A Case Study, Loren G. Terveen and Peter G. Selfridge, AT&T Bell Laboratories Agent-Based Support for Communication between Developers and Users in Software Design,S Andreas Girgensohn, NYNEX Science and Technology, David F. Redmiles and Frank M. Shipman, III, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado 3:00 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 5:00 Paper Session 2: SYNTHESIS Using Machine Learning to Synthesize Search Programs, Steven Minton and Shawn R. Wolfe, Recom Technologies, NASA Ames Research Center Composing Reusable Software Components Through Views, Gordon S. Novak Jr., Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin A Formal Approach to Domain-Oriented Software Design Environments, Michael Lowry, Andrew Philpot, Thomas Pressburger and Ian Underwood, AI Research Branch, Recom Technolo- gies, NASA Ames Research Center 7:00 - 9:00 Banquet at the Monterey Bay Aquarium THURSDAY, September 22, 1994 8:30 - 10:00 Paper Session 3: TESTING/VALIDATION Formal Specification Tools for Test Coverage Analysis, John Chilenski and Philip H. Newcomb, The Boeing Company Systematic Incremental Validation of Rule-based Reactive Systems, Robert J. Hall, AT&T Bell Laboratories A Flexible Rule-Chaining Engine for Process-Based Software Engineering, Andrew Z. Tong, Gail E. Kaiser and Steven S. Popovich, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University 10:00 - 10:30 Break 10:30 - 12:00 Paper Session 4: REUSE A Formal Approach to Reusing More General Components, Jun-jang Jeng and Betty H. C. Cheng, Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University Task Oriented and Similarity-Based Retrieval, David Lauzon and Thomas Rose, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Evolution and Reuse of Formal Specifications Using Decision Structures, Chris Wild and Daniela Rosoa, Department of Computer Science, Old Dominion University 12:00 - 1:30 Lunch 1:30 - 3:00 Paper Session 5: PROGRAM UNDERSTANDING Graphical Support for Code-level Software Understanding, Peter G. Selfridge, AI Principles Research Department, AT&T Bell Laboratories and George T. Heineman, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University A Cooperative Program Understanding Environment, Alex Quilici, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa and David N. Chin, Department of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa Abstract Data Structure Recognition, Rene Dekker and Frans Ververs, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 3:00 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 5:00 Paper Session 6: MISCELLANEOUS User Interface Design Assistance For Large-Scale Software Development, Gregory Alan Bolcer, Center for Software Engineering, University of Southern California An Augmented Pattern Matcher as a Tool to Synthesize Conceptual Descriptions of Programs, Francoise Balmas, Department Informatique, Universite Paris 8 The OPLA Language - Integrating Object-Oriented Paradigms and Logic Programming by Means of Common Lisp Object System, Vincenzo Loia, Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni, Universita di Salerno and Michel Quaggetto, LITP-IBP, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie FRIDAY, September 23, 1994 8:30 - 10:00 Panel: KBSE in Action: Application Development Experience and Impact 10:00 - 10:30 Break 10:30 - 12:00 Paper Session 7: PROCESS/PROJECT MANAGEMENT Critical Success Factors for Knowledge- Based Software Engineering Applications, Barry Boehm and Prasanta Bose, Computer Science Dept, USC Center for Software Engineering Knowledge-Based Risk Assessment Using Cost Factors, Ray Madachy, Software Engineering Process Group, Litton Data Systems and USC Center for Software Engineering Software Technology Risk Advisor, Gregory A. Toth, Department of Computer Science, USC Center for Software Engineering and Electronics Systems Division, Northrop Corporation Conference Committee Douglas R. Smith, Kestrel Institute, Conference Chair; Richard Jullig, Kestrel Institute, Program Chair; Douglas A. White, Rome Laboratory, Finance Chair; Christopher Welty, Vassar College, Publicity Chair; Bala Ramesh, Local Arrangements Chair. Hotel Information The KBSE-9 Conference will be held at the Doubletree Hotel (408) 649- 4511. Participants are responsible for their own hotel reservations. Please indicate to the hotel when making reservations that they are for the KBSE '94 Conference to receive the special conference rate of $110 for single/double occupancy plus 10% tax. All reservations must be made by August 26, 1994. After that date, reservations will be honored on a space and rate availability basis. Registration Information To register for the conference, complete the registration form and send the form and payment to: Kaman Sciences Corporation Data & Analysis Center for Software Attn: Ms. Barbara Radzisz, KBSE-9 PO Box 120 Utica, NY 13503-0120 Checks should be made payable to Kaman Sciences Corporation. Refunds will be made, less a $50 service charge, if written notice is received by 6 September 1994. KBSE-9 Registration Form Title: [ ] Mr.[ ] Ms.[ ] Dr.[ ] Other:____ Name/Position: ______________________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City:______________________ State:_________________ Zip:__________ Telephone:_________________ Email:_________________ Fax:______________ Please mark all items that apply to your registration. [ ] KBSE-9 Registration Fee $250 (after Aug. 31 $300). The fee includes conference proceedings, break refreshments, lunches and banquet. [ ] KBSE-9 Student Registration Fee $125 (after Aug. 31 $150). The fee includes conference proceedings, break refreshments and lunches. [ ] KBSE-9 One Day Registration Fee $100 (after Aug. 31 $125). The fee includes break refreshments and lunch. [ ] Tutorial $125 (after August 31 $150) [ ] Tutorial 1 A Survey of Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (Half Day) [ ] Tutorial 2 KIDS: An Algorithm Synthesis System (Half Day) [ ] Tutorial 3 SPECWARE: A Formal Software Development Environment (Half Day) Total Enclosed $______________ Check #________________ Make checks payable to Kaman Sciences Corporation. Return payment and this form to Data & Analysis Center for Software by Wednesday, August 31, 1994. You may fold this registration form in half, tape your payment inside, tape closed, and affix the proper postage. Mail registration to: Kaman Sciences Corporation Data & Analysis Center for Software Attn: Ms. Barbara Radzisz, KBSE Conference Coordinator PO Box 120 Utica, New York 13503-0120 (315) 734-3667, Email: ===== Christopher Welty Vassar College Computer Science Dept SIGART Information Director Poughkeepsie, NY 12601