call for papers, previous message From: (Abdelsalam Helal) Subject: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM--94) Date: 23 Aug 1994 08:23:04 -0500 ***************** C I K M -- 94 ***************** Preliminary Program & Registration THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (CIKM'94) November 29 -- December 2, 1994 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaithersburg, Maryland Sponsored by: ------------ ACM SIGART and SIGIR, in cooperation with: AAAI, NIST, NSF, UMBC, Purdue University, and Rutgers University. OBJECTIVES: ---------- The objective of the conference is to provide an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data and knowledge bases. The purpose of the conference is to identify challenging problems facing the development of future knowledge and information systems, and to shape future directions of research through presentation of high quality, applied and theoretical research findings. An important part of the conference is the Workshops program which focuses on timely research challenges and initiatives. * * * * * * * * The conference will feature keynote addresses, invited talks, regular sessions, four workshops, and panels. * * * * * * * * I. KEYNOTE/INVITED TALKS: ------------------------ - Al Aho, Vice President, Bellcore - Dan Atkins, Dean and Professor of Information & Library Studies, and Professor of EE & Computer Science, University of Michigan - J. Bredekemp, NASA - Robert Ewald, Chief Operating Officer, CRAY Research, Inc. - David Farber, Professor, University of Pennsylvania - Milton Halem, Chief, Space Data and Computing Division, NASA - Bob Kerrey, Senator, State of Nebraska - Thomas Kalil, Director, National Economic Council, The White House - Paris C. Kanellakis, Professor, Brown University - Hans Mark, Professor and John J. McKetta Chair, The University of Texas at Austin - Erich Neuhold, Professor, GMD-IPSI, Germany - Raj Reddy, Professor & Dean, School of Computer Science, CMU - Jack Schwartz, Professor, New York University - Peter Sheuermann, Professor, Northwestern University - Avi Silberschatz, Professor, University of Texas at Austin - John Silva, ARPA - Jacob Slonim, Head of Research, Centre for Advanced Studies, IBM Canada - Jeffrey D. Ullman, Professor and Chair, Stanford University II. PANELS: ---------- 1.1 Making money on the Internet Panel Coordinator: Charles Nicholas, University of Maryland Baltimore County 1.2 Standards -- Interoperability Panel Coordinators: Elizabeth Fong, NIST Abdelsalam Helal, University of Texas at Arlington 1.3 Manufacturing Panel Coordinator: Steve Ray, NIST 2.1 Federal Program Initiatives in the Computer and Information Sciences Panel Coordinator: Milton Halem, NASA, Representatives from: ARPA, NASA, NSF, DOE and NIST 2.2 Standards for Digital Libraries Panel Coordinator: Rudolf Bayer, University of Munich III. WORKSHOPS: -------------- Four workshops will be held on Friday, December 2. These will begin with a common kick-off dinner on Thursday evening. 1. Geographic Information Systems Workshop Chair: Niki Pissinou, University of SW Louisiana (For more information e-mail: 2. Intelligent Agents Workshop Chair: Tim Finin, University of Maryland Baltimore County (For more information e-mail: 3. Hypertext Workshop Chair: Charles Nicholas, University of Maryland Baltimore County (For more information e-mail: 4. Electronic Commerce Workshop Chairs: Yelena Yesha, NIST and Nabil Adam, Rutgers University (For more information e-mail:, IV. REGULAR SESSIONS: -------------------- SESSION 1.1: OBJECT-ORIENTED CONCEPTUAL MODELING ------------------------------------------------ Session Chair: TBA o Modeling Behavior, A Step Towards Defining Functionally Correct Views of Complex Objects in Concurrent Engineering Fawaz S. Al-Anzi and David L. Spooner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) o Integrating a Part Relationship Into an Open OODB System Using Metaclasses Michael Halper, James Geller, Yehoshua Perl (NJIT) and Wolfgang Klas (GMD-IPSI, Germany) o A Classification Algorithm for Supporting Object-Oriented Views Elke A. Rundensteiner (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) o An Object-Oriented Database Application for HyTime Document Storage Klemens Bohm and Karl Aberer (GMD-IPSI, Germany) SESSION 1.2: QUERY PROCESSING-1 ------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o An Optimal Graph Traversal Algorithm for Evaluating Linear Binary Chain Programs Yangjun Chen and Theo Harder (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany) o TID Hash Joins Robert Marek (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany) and Erhard Rahm (University of Leipzig, Germany) o Introducing Semantics in Conceptual Schema Reuse Ana Paula Ambrosio (Laboratoire PRISM, France) o A Case for Reconfigurable Parallel Architectures for Information Retrieval W. Addison Woods, H. Douglas Moser, Ophir Frieder (George Mason University) and Paul B. Kantor (Rutgers University) SESSION 1.3: KNOWLEDGE BASES ---------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o A Storage System for Scalable Knowledge Representation Peter D. Karp, Suzanne M. Paley and Ira Greenberg (SRI International) o Computer Image Retrieval by Features: Selecting the Best Facial Features for Suspect Identification Systems Eric S. Lee (St. Mary's University) and Thom Whalen (Communications Research Centre) o A Lock Method for KBMSs Using Abstraction Relationships' Semantics Fernando de Ferreira Rezende and Theo Harder (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany) o Quantitative Evaluation of a Transaction Facility for a Knowledge Base Management System Vinay K. Chaudhri, Vassos Hadzilacos, John Mylopoulos and Kenneth C. Sevcik (University of Toronto) SESSION 1.4: TEXT DATABASES INFORMATION RETRIEVAL-1 ---------------------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Analytical Version Control Management in a Hypertext System Antonina Dattolo and Antonio Gisolfi (Universita Di Salerno) o Query Expansion Using Domain Adapted, Weighted Thesaurus in an Extended Boolean Model Oh-Woog Kwon, Myoung-Cheol Kim and Key-Sun Choi (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tech.) SESSION 1.5: TRANSACTION PROCESSING-1 -------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Minipage Locking Support for Page-Server Database Management Systems S. Chu and M. Winslett (University of Illinois) o Isolation of Transaction Aborts in Object-Oriented Database Management Systems Shankar Pal and Sitaram Lanka (The Pennsylvania State University) SESSION 1.6: INTELLIGENT AGENTS ------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o KQML-A Language and Protocol for Knowledge and Information Exchange Tim Finin, Rich Fritzson (University of Maryland at Baltimore County), Don McKay and Robin McEntire (Unisys Corporation) o A Semantics Approach for KQML-A General Purpose Communication Language for Software Agents Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin (University of Maryland at Baltimore County) SESSION 2.1: LOGICAL/DEDUCTIVE DATABASES ---------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o On The Relationship Between Description Logic and Predicate Logic Alex Borgida (Rutgers University) o LogicBase: A Deductive Database System Prototype Jiawei Han, Ling Liu and Zhaohui Xie (SIMON FRASER University) o Algebraic Equivalences Among Nested Relational Expressions Hong-Cheu Liu and K. Ramamohanarao (The University of Melbourne, Australia) o Intelligent Query Answering in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases Suk-Chung Yoon (Widener University), Il-Yeol Song (Drexel University) and E.K. Park (U.S. Naval Academy) SESSION 2.1: SCHEMA INTEGRATION/INTEROPERABILITY ------------------------------------------------ Session Chair: TBA o Linguistic Instruments and Qualitative Reasoning for Schema Integration Paul Johannesson (Stockholm University) o Preserving Update Semantics in Schema Integration V.M.P. Vidal (Engenharia de Sistemas e Computacao, Brazil) and M. Winslett (University of Illinois, Urbana) o THE EGG/YOLK RELIABILITY Hierarchy: Semantic Data Integration Using Sorts with Prototypes Fritz Lehmann (GRANDAI Software) and Anthony G. Cohn (University of Leeds, UK) o Context Interchange: Overcoming the Challenges of Large-Scale Interoperable Database Systems in a Dynamic Environment Cheng Hian Goh, Stuart E. Madnick and Michael D. Siegel (MIT) SESSION 2.3: TEMPORAL DATABASES ------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Towards a Framework for Integrating Multilevel Secure Models and Temporal Data Models Niki Pissinou (The University of SW Louisiana), Kia Makki (University of Nevada) and E.K. Park (U.S. Naval Academy) o A Pattern Matching Language for Spatio-Temporal Databases Tsz S. Cheng and Shashi K. Gadia (Iowa State University) o The Time Index+: An Incremental Access Structure for Temporal Databases Vram Kouramajian (Rice University), Ibrahim Kamel (University of Maryland, College Park), Ramez Elmasri and Syed Waheed (The University of Texas at Arlington) SESSION 2.4: STORAGE SYSTEMS ---------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Management of Disk Space with REBATE Shahram Ghandeharizadeh and Douglas J. Ierardi (University of Southern California) o XEL: Extended Ephemeral Logging for Log Storage Management John S. Keen and William J. Dally (MIT) SESSION 2.5: SCHEMA EVOLUTION IN OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASES ---------------------------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Method Evolution Framework for Object-Oriented Systems Z. Tari and X. Li (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) o Design and Evaluation Rules for Building Adaptive Schema in an Object-Oriented Data and Knowledge Base System Ling Liu (University of Frankfurt, Germany) SESSION 2.6: SPATIAL DATABASES ------------------------------ Session Chair: TBA o Hashing by Proximity to Process Duplicates in Spatial Databases Walid G. Aref (Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory) and Hanan Samet (The University of Maryland, College Park) o Spatial Data Traversal in Road Map Databases: A Graph Indexing Approach J. Leon Zhao and Ahmed Zaki (College of William and Mary) SESSION 2.7: COOPERATIVE DATABASES/MOBILE COMPUTING/NII ------------------------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Semantics-Based Information Brokering Vipul Kashyap (Rutgers University) and Amit Sheth (University of Georgia) o Building Information Systems for Mobile Environments Evaggelia Pitoura and Bharat Bhargava (Purdue University) o The Role of the Database Community in the National Information Infrastructure David Flater and Yelena Yesha (University of Maryland Baltimore County and NIST) o Functionality and Architecture of a Cooperative Database System Thomas Kirsche, Richard Lenz and Hans Schuster (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) SESSION 3.1: KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY (DATA MINING) ---------------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Deriving and Enforcing Statistical Integrity Constraints in Databases Wen-Chi Hou and Zhongyang Zhang (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale) o Discovery of Decision Rules in Relational Databases: A Rough Set Approach Xiaohua Hu and Nick Cercone (University of Regina) o Finding Interesting Rules from Large Sets of Discovered Association Rules Mika Klemettinen, Heikki Mannila, Pirjo Ronkainen, Hannu Toivonen and A. Inkeri Verkamo (University of Helsinki) o Hierarchical Classification as an Aid to Database and Hit-List Browsing J. Royce Rose (The University of South Carolina) and Johann Gasteiger (Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg) SESSION 3.2: TRANSACTION PROCESSING-2 -------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Adaptive Commitment for Distributed Real-Time Transactions Nandit Soparkar (University of Michigan), Eliezer Levy (Intel Israel), Henry F. Korth (Matsushita Information Technology Lab.) and Avi Silberschatz (ATT Bell Laboratories) o Multiversion Divergence Control of Time Fuzziness Calton Pu (Oregon Graduate Institute), Miu K. Tsang, Kun-Lung Wu and Philip S. Yu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) o Group Formation Mechanisms for Transactions in ISIS Neel K. Jain (Cornell University) o Quasi-Dynamic Two-Phase Locking Abdelsalam Helal and Tung-Hui Ku (The University of Texas at Arlington) SESSION 3.3: QUERY PROCESSING-2 ------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Using Path Information for Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database Systems Dik L. Lee and Wang-chien Lee (The Ohio State University) o Closure Maintenance in An Object-Oriented Query Model Reda Alhajj and Faruk Polat (Bilkent University, Turkey) o Performance of Clustering Policies in Object Bases Adel Shrufi (University of Toronto) o An Optimized Implementation for VML Based on Pattern Matching and Dynamic Programming Weimin Chen (Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute, Germany) and Volker Turau (FH Giessen-Friedberg, Germany) SESSION 3.4: TEXT DATABASES INFORMATION RETRIEVAL-2 ---------------------------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Application of a Symbolico-Connectionist Approach for the Design of a Highly Interactive Documentary Database Interrogation System with On Line Learning Capabilities Jean Charles Lamirel and Marion Crehange (CRIN-CNRS Campus Scientifique,France) o Heuristic Information Retrieval on a Competition-Based Connectionist Model Inien Syu and S.D. Lang (University of Central Florida) SESSION 3.5: MEDICAL APPLICATIONS --------------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Representation of Medical Guidelines on Top of a Classification-Based System C. Heinlein, K. Kuhn and P. Dadam (University of ULM, Germany) o Facilitating Transformations in a Human Genome Project Database S.B. Davidson, A.S. Kosky and B. Eckman (University of Pennsylvania) SESSION 3.6: INDEXING/CACHING ----------------------------- Session Chair: TBA o Intelligent Caching: Selecting, Representing, and Reusing Data in an Information Server Yigal Arens (Information Sciences Institute) and Craig Knoblock (University of Southern California) o Re-Evaluating Indexing Schemes for Nested Objects Yin-he Jiang, Xiangning Liu and Bharat Bhargava (Purdue University) ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE ========================================================================== | | TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |9:00 | Keynote Address | Keynote Address | Keynote Address | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |10:00 | Break | Break | Break | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |10:20 | Invited Talks | Invited Talks | Invited Talks | | |======|======|=======|======|======|======|======|======|=======| | | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |11:05 | Break | Break | Break | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |11:15 | Session 1.1 | Session 2.1 | Session 3.1 | | | Session 1.2 | Session 2.2 | Session 3.2 | | | Session 1.3 | Session 2.3 | Session 3.3 | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |1:00 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |2:00 | Keynote Address | Keynote Address | Keynote Address | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |3:00 | Break | Break | Break | |=======|=====================|====================|=====================| |3:15 | Session 1.4 | Session 2.5 | Session 3.4 | | | Session 1.5 | Session 2.6 | Session 3.5 | | | Session 1.6 | Session 2.7 | Session 3.6 | |=======|=====================|====================|====================== |4:05 | Break | Break | |=======|=====================|====================| |4:15- | Panel 1.1 | Panel 2.1 | |5:00 | Panel 1.2 | Panel 2.2 | | | Panel 1.3 | Session 2.4 | |========================================================================= |6:30 | | | Workshops Dinner | |========================================================================| |7:30 |Conference Reception | Conference Banquet | |=================================================== LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: ------------------ CIKM94 will be held at NIST in the Administration Building. NIST, located in Gaithersburg, MD, is approximately 25 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. NIST and Gaithersburg Hilton hotel are accessible from Dulles, National, and BWI Airports by Montgomery Airport Shuttle, (301) 990-6000, for $17-19 per person. Taxi fare to Gaithersburg is about $50. DIRECTIONS: ---------- BY CAR: From North: Take I-270 Exit 11, Quince Orchard Road, left at second traffic signal, right at first traffic signal into NIST main entrance. From South: Take I-495 to I-270 Exit 10, Clopper Road, left at first traffic signal into NIST main entrance. From Gaithersburg Hilton: Turn right on Perry Parkway, right turn on Clopper Road, left at the first traffic signal into NIST main entrance. Parking: Please park at the big parking lot to your left as you drive in. Walk to the Administration building. BY METRORAIL: Take Red Line to Shady Grove Metrorail Station. Go down the escalator and turn left. Go up the escalator to the West side Kiss and Ride Parking Lot and wait for the NIST Shuttle. NIST Shuttle leaves on the quarter and three-quarter hour (e.g., 8:15, 8:45, ... 5:15, 6:00) HOTEL: ----- We have arranged a block of rooms at the Gaithersburg Hilton Hotel, 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, (301) 977-8900, or 1-800-599-5111, Fax: (301)869-8597. Please make your hotel reservation early. To obtain special conference rate (rate is U.S. 70.00 per night for Single or Double), you must mention that you are attending the CIKM'94 conference in November/December 1994. Cut-off date for guaranteed guest room reservations is November 1, 1994. Transportation from Hilton/NIST/Hilton will be available for CIKM94 attendees. SPECIAL AIRLINE DISCOUNT: ------------------------ A special convention discount has been negotiated with USAir for travel from continental United States, Bahamas, Canada, and San Juan, PR. The discount offers 5% off applicabale first class and lowest applicabale published fares, and 10% off applicable unrestricted coach fares with 7 day advance reservation/ticketing required. The discount is applicable for travel into Washington, DC., Baltimore Maryland, and Dulles International. To obtain this convention discount, call USAir's Meeting and Convention Reservation Office at (800) 334-8644; 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time. Refer to Gold File Number: 39240001. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: ----------------------- For further information regarding local arrangements, contact CIKM Local Arrangement Chair: Elizabeth Fong at NIST, (301) 975-3250, Fax: (301)948-6213, E-mail: REGISTRATION INFORMATION: ------------------------ Note to CIKM-94 authors: Please include any extra page charges when you register. Conference papers are allotted up to eight pages in the proceedings. If necessary, you can have one or two additional proceedings pages by paying a fee of 100.00 per additional page. Send the registration form with fee (in US Dollars ONLY, with checks or money order payable to CIKM94) to: Dr. E.K. Park Computer Science Department U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 USA (410)293-6806 E-Mail: Fax: (410)293-2686 by September 23, 1994 (pre-registration cut off date except for authors). Authors (at least one author per paper) must pre-register by August 27, 1994 when the camera ready manuscripts are returned. The conference registration fee covers the proceedings, conference reception, refreshments during the conference, and the dinner banquet. Student registration does include reception, banquet and proceedings. Additional reception tickets may be purchased for 30.00 and additional banquet tickets for 40.00. CIKM'94 CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM ----8<----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please complete this form (TYPE or PRINT), and return with your payment. Your paper title, if any:_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Paper authors:___________________________________________________________ First Name:_________________________ Last Name:_______________________________ Title (Dr/Mr/MS/Prof.):_____________ Position:________________________________ Company/Univ.:_______________________________ Dept.:__________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ State:_____________ Zip/Postal Code:___________ Country:_______________________________ Phone:________________________________ Fax:_________________________________ E-mail:_________________________________ Payment in U.S. dollars ONLY (check drawn on a U.S. bank or International Money Order) is enclosed for the following (Please Check). ADVANCE (Received by September 23, 1994.): ========================================== Reg. Fee ACM ______Member($290.00) ______Non-Member($340.00) ______Student ($190.00) Workshop ______Member($150.00) ______Non-Member($150.00) ______Student($75.00) Please circle your workshop preferences (fee is for EACH workshop): 1. GIS 2. Electronic Commerce 3. Intelligent Agents 4. Hypertext LATE/ONSITE (Received AFTER September 23, 1994): ================================================ Reg. Fee ACM ______Member($340.00) ______Non-Member($390.00) ______Student($220.00) Workshop ______Member($180.00) ______Non-Member($180.00) ______Student($100.00) Please circle your workshop preferences (fee is for EACH workshop): 1. GIS 2. Electronic Commerce 3. Intelligent Agents 4. Hypertext Reg. Fee : choose category $_______________ Workshop Fee for each: choose category $_______________ Extra Page Charge:(U.S. $100.00 per page) $_______________ Extra Conf. Reception Tickets: ($30/ea) $_______________ Extra Workshop Reception Tickets:($30/ea) $_______________ Extra Conf. Banquet Tickets: ($40/ea) $_______________ Total Amount Enclosed: U.S. $_____________________ ACM membership number (required for member rate):__________________________ Signature:_____________________________________ Date:______________________ P.S. 1. Acknowledgement of receipt of the registration form with payment will be sent out by only e-mail if you provide your e-mail address. Conference materials including receipts and proceedings can be picked up at the registration desk on site. 2. Note that CIKM94 will be held at NIST and Hilton Hotel is about 1 mile away from NIST. Transportation from Hilton/NIST/Hilton will be available for CIKM94 attendees. ----8<----------------------------------------------------------------------- Steering Committee ------------------ Bruce Blum Tim Finin David Jefferson Keith Humenik Charles Nicholas E. K. Park Yelena Yesha General Co-Chairs ----------------- Bharat Bhargava, Purdue University Yelena Yesha, UMBC Program Chair ------------- Nabil R. Adam, Rutgers University Program Vice-Chairs ------------------- R. Ashany, NSF T. Finin, UMBC E. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic S. Hurwitz, NIST C. Kulikowski, Rutgers University K. Makki, UNLV S. Naqvi, Bellcore E. K. Park, U.S. Naval Academy N. Pissinou, SW Luisiana U.niversity M. Singhal, Ohio State University P. Sokolove, UMBC S. Spaccapietra, EPFL Lausanne M. Stonebraker, UC-Berkeley B. Wah, University of Illinois, UC Publicity Chair --------------- A. Helal, University of Texas at Arlington Local Arrangements ------------------ E. Fong, NIST European Coordinator -------------------- G. Schlageter, Fern University Workshops Chair --------------- G. Ozsoyoglu, CWRU Exhibit Chair ------------- M. Masulo, IBM Watson Research Center Program Committee ----------------- A. El Abbadi, UC-Santa Barbara Y. Arens, USC/ISI R. Alonso, MITL B. Badrinath, Rutgers University E. Bertino, University of Genoa G. Belford, UIUC A. Buchmann, Tech. Hochschule Dramstadt W. Chu, UCLA J. Clifford, NYU S. Davidson, University of Pennsylvania K. Dittrich, Universitat Zurich R. Elmasri, University of Texas at Arlington S. Gadia, Iowa Satate University N. Gehani, At&T Bell Labs. J. Geller, NJIT J. Gowens, Army Research Lab M. Halem, NASA D. Harman, NIST K. Humenik, Indiana University H. Ait-Kaci, Simon Fraser University P. Kanellakis, Brown University M. Kohli, Bellcore D. Lewis, At&T Bell Labs R. MacGregor, USC/ISI R. Martin, NIST D. McKay, Unisys J. Mylopoulos, University of Toronto S. Navathe, Georgia Tech. E. Neuhold, GMD P. Ng, NJIT T. Nguyen, IBM Watson Research Center C. Nicholas, UMBC C. Overton, University of Pennsylvania M. Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve University M. Papazoglou, Queensland University of Technology R. Ramakrishnan, University of Wisconsen-Madison S. Ray, NIST P. Scheurmann, Northwestern University T. Seidman, UMBC M. Siegel, MIT. I. Song, Drexel University K. Sycara, RI/CMU K. Vadaparty, CWRU P. Vassallo, NIST L. Welch, NIST W. Wong, DISA X. Wu, James Cook University V. Zwass, FDU