call for papers, previous message From: (Michael Cox) Subject: CFP: Representing Mental States and Mechanisms Date: 27 Aug 1994 17:30:38 -0400 REPRESENTING MENTAL STATES AND MECHANISMS AAAI 1995 Spring Symposium Series March 27 - 29, 1995 Stanford University, Stanford, California CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The ability to reason about mental states and cognitive mechanisms facilitates performance at a variety of tasks. The purpose of this symposium is to enhance our ability to construct programs that employ commonsense knowledge of the mental world in an explicit representational format that can be shared across domains and systems. Such knowledge can, for example, assist story-understanding programs to understand characters that learn, forget, pay attention, make a decision, and change their mind. The need to represent knowledge of mental activity transcends usual disciplinary boundaries to include most reasoning tasks where systems interact with users, coordinate behaviors with autonomous agents, or consider their own beliefs and limitations. For example, distributed problem-solving agents can use knowledge of mental phenomena to predict and explain the behavior of cooperating agents. In machine learning, a system's knowledge of its own mental states, capacities and mechanisms crucially determines the reliability with which it can diagnose and repair reasoning failures. The focus of the symposium, however, is on representation of the mental world and the sharing/reuse of such representations, rather than the applications that such representations support. Important questions to consider: o (SHARABILITY) What tools / techniques can facilitate the sharing of representations among researchers? o (REUSE) What portions of the representation can be transferred across reasoning tasks? o (ARCHITECTURE) How can functional models of reasoning-components be represented explicitly? o (LOGICAL FORM) What statements can be logically asserted about the self and its beliefs? What benefits arise from such representations? o (APPLICATIONS) How can knowledge of mental phenomena be used in tasks ranging from student instruction to intelligent interface control? o (INTROSPECTION) What must an intelligent system know about its own mental states and processes? PLEASE MONITOR THE WEB FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The symposium will consist of invited talks, individual presentations, and group discussion. "Key position" papers describing possible topics for submitted papers will be available at the network address listed above. If you wish to present, submit up to 12 pages (fewer pages are encouraged) in 12-point, with 1" margins. Others interested in attending should submit a research abstract or position paper (3-pp. max). Financial assistance is available for student participation. Submit 1 postscript copy to or 4 hardcopies to Michael Freed, MS 262-2 NASA ARC, Moffett Field, CA, 94035. SUBMISSION DATES: Submissions for the symposia are due on October 28, 1994. Notification of acceptance will be given by November 30, 1994. Material to be included in the working notes of the symposium must be received by January 20, 1995. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Co-chairs - Michael Cox (Georgia Tech, AI/Cognitive-Science Group, College of Computing) Michael Freed (NASA Ames Research Center, Human Factors Group) Gregg Collins (Northwestern University, Institute of the Learning Sciences) Bruce Krulwich (Andersen Consulting, Center for Strategic Technology Research) Cindy Mason (NASA Ames Research Center, Artificial Intelligence Group) John McCarthy (Stanford University, Department of Computer Science) John Self (Lancaster University, Department of Computing) -- COX,MICHAEL T | "Discus, AI / Cognitive-Science Group | starred with premonitions, College of Computing | throw yourself Georgia Institute of Technology | out of yourself." Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280 | Internet: | -- Paul Celan Mosaic file://