call for papers, previous message From: (Yokota Kazumasa) Subject: CFP: Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases Date: 29 Aug 1994 13:53:01 -0500 Call for Papers FGCS'94 Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases [in conjunction with FGCS'94,Dec. 13 (Tue), 14 (Wed), 1994] Date: December 15 (Thu), 16 (Fri), 1994 Place: Shoenbach Sabo, Tokyo, Japan Organized by ICOT HKB-TG A new cooperative framework of heterogeneous problem solvers such as databases, knowledge-bases, constraint solvers, and applications in a distributed environment is indispensable for constructing advanced knowledge information processing systems. For this reason, cooperation among active researchers in such fields as distributed problem solving, multi-agent, multidatabase, and knowledge representation is rapidly becoming more important. This workshop will bring together researchers in related areas, including databases, distributed artificial intelligence, and knowledge programming, to discuss how they contribute to each other. There will be four international invited talks including Michael N. Huhns (MCC), "Global Information Management via Local Autonomous Agents" Mike Papazoglou (Queensland Univ. of Technology), "Using Reflection as a Means of Achieving Cooperation" Selected pepers from this Workshop will be encouraged to submit to an special issue of International Journal of Intelligent & Cooperative Information Systems. Topics of Interest ------------------ Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Distributed Problem Solving * Multi Agent * Distributed Constraint Solving * Common Knowledge Representation * Ontology * Groupware * Multidatabase * Scientific Database * Cooperative Knowledge Base * Very Large Knowledge Base Paper Submission ---------------- A two page abstract written in English must be received by the program chair by airmail, fax, or e-mail by September 30, 1994. The first page must include names of the authors, their affiliations, and the contact address. Program Committee ----------------- Program Chair: Kazumasa Yokota ICOT Mita Kokusai Bldg. 21st fl. 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan TEL: +81-3-3456-3069 FAX: +81-3-3456-1618 Internet: Committee Member: Akira Aiba (ICOT) Toru Ishida (Kyoto U.) Yasuhiko Kitamura (Osaka City U.) Susumu Kunifuji (JAIST) Yoshifumi Masunaga (U. of Library and Information Science) Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka U.) Hideyuki Nakashima (ETL) Toyoaki Nishida (NAIST) Hiroshi Nunokawa (Miyagi U. of Education) Eiichi Osawa (Sony CSL) Toshiharu Sugawara (NTT) Makoto Takizawa (Tokyo Denki U.) Katsumi Tanaka (Kobe U.) Takao Terano (Tsukuba U.) Satoshi Tojo (MRI) Hiroshi Tsuda (ICOT) Takahei Yamaguchi (Shizuoka U.) Norihiko Yoshida (Kyushu U.) Important Dates --------------- Deadline for submission: September 30, 1994 Notification of acceptance: October 21, 1994 Camera-ready papers due: November 18, 1994 FGCS'94: December 13, 14, 1994 Workshop: December 15, 16, 1994 Contact ------- For more detail information, contact: Akira Aiba (workshop secretariat) ICOT Mita Kokusai Bldg. 21st fl. 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan TEL: +81-3-3456-2514 FAX: +81-3-3456-1618 Internet: