call for papers, previous message From: (Pierre Wolper) Subject: CAV '95 call for papers Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 16:58:02 +0200 CALL FOR PAPERS CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER-AIDED VERIFICATION (CAV '95) Liege, BELGIUM July 3 - July 6, 1995 (LaTeX and Postscript(tm) versions of this Call for Papers are available by anonymous FTP from ( in directory pub/cav95) This conference is the seventh in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer-assisted formal verification. It is centered around the theme that computer assistance is essential for a wider use of verification techniques, but encourages all styles of verification approaches and a variety of application areas. It covers the spectrum from theory to concrete applications, with an emphasis on verification tools and the algorithms and techniques that are needed for their implementation. The conference will include contributed papers, invited papers, tutorials, and tool demonstrations. The boundaries of the conference are not rigid. In the past, papers on the following topics have been enthusiastically received. Application areas: synchronous and asynchronous circuits, computer arithmetic, protocols, distributed algorithms, real-time systems, hybrid systems. Tools and Methods based on: state-space exploration, model-checking, automated deduction, and theorem proving. Theoretical issues: decidability of verification problems for a variety of formalisms, computational complexity results, verification algorithms. However, any paper that is of potential interest for computer-aided verification will be considered. SUBMISSION: Authors may submit a paper by mailing ELECTRONICALLY a self contained Postscript(tm) version to the address (strongly encouraged whenever possible for speeding up the reviewing process) AND by sending five (5) copies of the submitted paper to the Program Chairman. UNPRINTABLE ELECTRONIC submissions for which paper copies are not received will not be considered. The length is limited to twelve (12) typed pages (with normal font sizes, line spacing, margins, etc.) Each submission should provide sufficient detail so that the program committee can assess the merits of the contribution. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings, or submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not allowed. The deadline for submission is January 20, 1995. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 19, 1995. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Program Chairman: Pierre Wolper Universite de Liege Institut Montefiore, B28 Grande Traverse, 10 B-4000 Liege BELGIUM Program Committee: R. Alur, AT&T Bell Labs, USA R. Brayton, U. of California, Berkeley, USA C. Courcoubetis, U. of Crete & ICS-FORTH, Greece W. Damm, C. v. Ossietzki U., Oldenburg, Germany R. de Simone, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France R. Devillers, Free U. of Brussels, Belgium E. Allen Emerson, U. of Texas, USA S. Garland, MIT, USA O. Grumberg, Technion, Israel N. Halbwachs, VERIMAG, France T. Henzinger, Cornell U., USA R. Koymans, Philips Res. Labs, The Netherlands G. Leduc, U. of Liege, Belgium K. McMillan, Cadence Berkeley Labs, USA J. Parrow, SICS, Sweden N. Shankar, SRI International, USA F. Somenzi, U. of Colorado, Boulder, USA B. Steffen, U. of Passau, Germany P. Varaiya, U. of California, Berkeley, USA M. Vardi, Rice U., USA T. Yoneda, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan Steering Committee: Edmund Clarke, Carnegie Mellon U., USA Robert Kurshan, AT&T Bell Labs, USA Amir Pnueli, Weizmannn Institute, Israel Joseph Sifakis, VERIMAG, France