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The Lefschetz Number



For fixed point theory the Lefschetz number of a map is interesting, as it can be used as a sufficient criterion for the existence of fixed points/cliques/simplexes:gif Let tex2html_wrap_inline9720 be a simplicial map on the finite simplicial complex tex2html_wrap_inline10196 . If tex2html_wrap_inline10198 , then there is a tex2html_wrap_inline10200 such that tex2html_wrap_inline10202 . Thus there is a q-dimensional simplex tex2html_wrap_inline10206 such that tex2html_wrap_inline10208 for some tex2html_wrap_inline10210 and h a combination of the generators other than S. However since tex2html_wrap_inline10216 this means tex2html_wrap_inline10218 . Hence we have that f[S]=S, i.e., f has a fixed simplex. Now if K is a clique complex and f is induced by a graph endomorphism, this means that there is a clique C such that f[C]=C. If K is a P-chain complex and f is an order-preserving map on P, then f maps a chain to itself, which naturally means that f has a fixed point.
The first arguments by Baclawski and Björner that link algebraic topology to fixed points in ordered sets (cf. [7], Theorems 1.1, 1.2; [18], Théorème 1.1) actually prove Lefschetz type theorems that state that for an order-preserving map tex2html_wrap_inline7878 the Euler characteristic of the set tex2html_wrap_inline10246   of fixed points of f is equal to the Lefschetz number of f. Thus we also gain an insight in the structure of tex2html_wrap_inline10246 (also cf. section 5.3). For breveties' sake we will not deepen this investigation here.
The above argument leads us naturally to two further combinatorial properties worth considering:


Clearly for ordered sets P with no infinite chains the fixed clique property for the comparability graph resp. the fixed simplex property for the P-chain complex both imply the fixed point property for P. Moreover all fixed point theorems for ordered sets that are derived using algebraic topology are fixed clique or even fixed simplex theorems. Combinatorial fixed clique theorems for finite graphs that are analogous to fixed point theorems for ordered sets have been derived in [120] (due to the fact that the definitions of graph endomorphisms and order-preserving maps are formally very similar this is not too hard). Further investigation of the fixed simplex property is complicated by the fact that there is no easy formal resemblance between the definition of an order-preserving map and a simplicial map (also cf. examples in [120]).

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