A large number of resources are available to you. Visit the University of Ottawa's main library page.
» Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary Loan request forms are also available online. Save your interlibrary loan receipts! If your professor won't pay for them, the GSAED will (minus $4.00 - University's rule). The GSAED has secured funds from the University to pay for graduate student interlibrary loan fees. Contact the GSAED for more information.
You may also search the NRC's CISTI Library. Did you know that you can order photocopies of items from the CISTI Library and have them delivered to Morisset Library? .
» Orbis on the web
The University of Ottawa's library search engine, Orbis, is available on the web. Or, you can use the engine the old fashioned way via Telnet and connecting to <lib.uottawa.ca>.