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- 2002/04/23: Final marks are available from the main page.
I'm moving offices. Please, see my message if
you are trying to contact me or setting up an appointment.
- 2002/03/23: Assignment#3 has been slightly extended. Please refer
to this message.
- 2002/03/23: Important: next 3 labs are tutorials!!!! Please refer
to this message.
- 2002/03/14: Section A - room change for just a day: On Friday March 22, the students from
Section A will have their lecture at MCD146 (instead of CBYC03). There was an event
for which the faculty has requested the room.
There will be signs by the door at the day of the lecture in case you forget;
all you need to do is crossing the tunnel to MCD.
- 2002/03/14: There is a typo in assignment#3 handout.
Please, check here.
2002/03/04: The midterm solution will be available for photocopying,
by Tuesday (perhaps before). Please, check the web page for lab 7: when the solution
became available at the photocopy room at Vachon building, this will be indicated
2002/03/04: This week's lab is a tutorial at a different room, not
the one for previous tutorial. Rooms for tutorials starting on Tuesday will
only be posted later on, on Monday; sorry for the lateness.
2002/02/26: Midterm rooms have been announced. Check midterm info page,
available from the main web page.
2002/02/26: Extra office hour with professor
before the midterm on Thursday 3:00-4:00.
2002/02/20: Several things that have been posted, that I'd like to call your attention to:
marking guide under "A1" ("why did a get such low mark?" and "can you take a look at my assignment?"
questions answered, plus common discounts applied by TAs); my office hours on Friday of the reading week; extra info on the
midterm (including time, topics on it, tutorial on past midterm, etc).
The lab in the week after reading week is going to be a tutorial in
a different classroom. Same time, same TA, different classroom. Check the classroom
info from the main page.
- 2002/02/20: Today is palindrome: 20/02/2002-> 20022002 reads the same back
and frontwards... It has interesting compression properties: you can only
store ceiling(n/2) characters plus a parity bit and retrieve the original n-characters
message. If I tell you that my son's name is a palindrome that can be compressed as NAT
and has an odd number of characters, you know his name, right? I'm not kidding;
this is his true name.
- 2002/02/14: An amendment has been done, regarding question 2.3 of
- 2002/02/06: The policy on lateness has been slightly revised. Please check the
corresponding page.
- 2002/02/03: MIDTERM TIME CHANGE: our midterm time is going to change to
SATURDAY, MARCH 2, from 3:00-5:00 pm. Please, inform me of any conflict
with another midterm, as soon as possible. I expect this will be confirmed and
settled within 1 week. Please, check further announcements in this page regarding this.
- 2002/02/02: I've posted the output results for the test problems
for A1, for your reference. You can check whether you
are getting the same number of hits as us. It is under "A1" in the main page.
- 2002/01/29: I've posted a new link to
C/C++ reference.
This link can be found from the page
"C++ Books and Resources", available from the main web page.
- 2002/01/29: I've posted a link (from the main
web page) to "Questions and Answers" which contains frequently
asked questions by students with answers by the professor or
by the TAs. Please,
check it out regularly, while doing an assignment.
- 2002/01/29: From the main web page you can now find
the e-mail of the TA that can reply to e-mail questions about
the current and future assignments. Each week, a different
TA will be responsible for answering student questions.
- 2002/01/26: Help desk hours with TAs are now available twice every working day
before the due date of assignment#1.
Access the schedule from the main web page.
- 2002/01/18: CBY is open NOW!!!!
Students in Section A thought that classes might be disrupted due to the
closing down of CBY. Everything is normal and the class today will happen normally.
- 2002/01/17: My policies on plagiarism, lateness, missed midterm and
remarking have now been posted at the web page. Note that you must read, sign and bring to your lab TA
your statement of understanding of the plagiarism policy (read details there); this should be
done before you hand in assignment#1.
- 2002/01/17: A change on my office hours: the office hour on Friday Jan 18
from 9:30 to 10:30 has been cancelled due to a change of schedule.
Starting next week (Jan 25), this office hour will be held at 11:00-12:00 Fridays.
- 2002/01/11: The due date for assignment #1 changed to February 5th.
- 2002/01/11: A preliminary schedule of labs is available from
the course web page. If you have not been assigned or there are problems,
please, check "about lab assignment".
- 2002/01/11: Labs start on the week of Jan 14. You need a computer
account in the CUBE. If you don't have one, go there to generate it.
- 2002/01/11: News are going to be posted here. Check regularly!