CSI 2131 - File Management - WINTER 2002

Welcome to the CSI 2131 web page!

Professor :  Lucia Moura
Course Description :  syllabus (first handout, changes from original are in boldface)
(prof's contact info, general course info, marking scheme, due dates, etc.)
Office Hours: Extra office hours before Final Exam: Monday, April 15, 9:30am-4:30pm.
Office hours with markers (go to the TA that marked your assignment)
Help desks with TAs A1, A2, A3.
TA assignment help by e-mail (each week covered by one TA)
Sources of Info: Questions and Answers (about assignments)
Student info:  Assignment of student to labs (about lab assignment)
Final Marks (new): section A, section B. Letter: Grades and my move.
Old marks (updates/remarks are applied on the Final Marks file above).
Course Material:  Lecture/Lab Contents (not available)
Lecture slides: 1-2 (ps, pdf, newpdf), 3 (ps, pdf), 4 (ps, pdf), 5 (ps, pdf), 6 (ps, pdf), 7-8 (ps, pdf), 9 (ps, pdf), 10-11 (ps, pdf), 12 (ps, pdf), 13 (ps, pdf),
14 (review), 15-17 (ps, pdf), 18 (ps, pdf), 19 (ps, pdf), 20-23 (ps, pdf),
24 (B+ trees, notes available at Vachon), 25 (ps, pdf)
  • A#1 (posted Jan 23, due Feb 5, returned Feb 19)
  • A#2 (posted Feb 5, due Feb 26, returned Mar 12)
  • A#3 (posted Mar 7, due Mar 28, returned Apr 12)

  • Midterm info:
  • previous midterm 2001 (ps, pdf), answer key 2001
  • midterm time, format, topics and tutorial
    Final Exam info:
  • previous final 2001 (ps, pdf), answer key 2001, written solution at Vachon.
  • Final time/room, format, topics, etc.
  • Policies:  [Plagiarism| Remarking | Late Assignments| Missed Midterm ]  
    Other links:  C++ Books and Resources  
    CSI 2531 (French Section of this course)
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