Use Case descriptions edition

The following shows the initial view of a newly created normal use case.

Figure 4.6: Initial description of a new use case in the editor.
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The description panel shows lines labeled with the use case fields Title, Primary Actor, Participants, Goal, Precondition, and Postcondition (only Title would be shown for an extension use case). These fields may be edited by selecting the corresponding line and entering a field value.

The first line in a use case procedural part is created by:

  1. selecting the step separator line (STEPS), and
  2. using the contextual menu or typing the key combination CTRL+ to insert a new line.
The following shows the editor after insertion of the procedural part first line.
Figure 4.7: Description of a new use case in the editor after the first step creation.
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For a normal procedure, the first line created is a Step. A Part is created in the case of an extension procedure.

A use case procedural part is edited by selecting a line and using the contextual menu or a key combination. In addition to the standard keys:

inserts an extension point after the current line (for normal use cases only).
inserts an any extension to the use case (for normal use cases only).
The editor does lines labeling automatically.

Stephane 2007-09-03