Neptune | has obliquity 28°.8 |  |
has atmosphere composition hydrogen and methane |  |
has albedo 0.62 |  |
has synodic period 367.49 days |  |
has oblateness 0.02 |  |
has rotation period 15h49m30s |  |
has orbital velocity Vorb = 5.43 km s-1 |  |
has mean distance from Sun 30.07 AU |  |
has inclination 1°.8 |  |
has eccentricity e = 0.009 |  |
has satellites Triton and Nereid |  |
has maximum apparent brightness 7.6 mag |  |
has radius 24500 ± 500 km |  |
is a part of our solar system |  |
has surface gravity 1.3 that of Earth |  |
has escape velocity Vesc = 25 km s-1 |  |
has mean density 1.7 g cm-2 |  |
has discovery date 1846 |  |
has discoverer Johann Galle and Louis d'Arrest |  |
has orbital period 164.8 years |  |
has mass 1.03 × 1029 g |  |
has definition Eighth major planet out from the Sun. Discovered in by following predictions calculated by Urbain Le Verrier. Similar predictions had been made earlier by John Couch Adams but were not followed up. |  |
is an instance of gas giant |  |
is an instance of superior planet |  |
gas giant | has composition Mostly made of various light elements such as gases and simple compounds |  |
has synonym Jovian planet |  |
planet | is a part of solar system |  |
has orbit |  |
celestial body | has spectra |  |
physical object | has location or center of gravity |  |
has angular momentum |  |
has velocity |  |
has momentum |  |
has temperature |  |
has volume |  |
has extent |  |
has material |  |