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Schwarzschild singularity
Schwarzschild singularityhas definition The center of a black hole. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, the entire mass of a black hole is concentrated at a point at its center, the "singularity". It is believed that quantum mechanical effects, not included in the theory, would cause the mass to spread out over a tiny but nonzero region, thus preventing an infinite density of matter and doing away with the singularity.has source: Lightman, A., Brawer, R. 1990 The Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists, Harvard University Press, 2001-09-27 09:30:09.0
is a kind of singularity2001-09-27 09:30:09.0
physical objecthas location or center of gravity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has angular momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has mass2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has velocity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has temperature2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has volume2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has extent2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has material2001-09-27 09:27:27.0