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Schwarzschild singularity comparison table
Subject has definition is a kind of
singularityIf the standard big bang theory is extrapolated all the way back to time zero, one reaches an instant of infinite density, infinite pressure, and infinite temperature - an instant that is frequently called the initial singularity. This singularity is sometimes said to mark the beginning of time, but it is more realistic to recognize that an extrapolation to infinite density cannot be trusted.theoretical celestial body
Schwarzschild singularityThe center of a black hole. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, the entire mass of a black hole is concentrated at a point at its center, the "singularity". It is believed that quantum mechanical effects, not included in the theory, would cause the mass to spread out over a tiny but nonzero region, thus preventing an infinite density of matter and doing away with the singularity.singularity

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