americium 244 | has symbol 244Am |  |
has decay mode β- (1.427 Mev) |  |
has decay mode γ |  |
has half life 10.0 hours |  |
has number of nucleons 244 |  |
has number of neutrons 149 |  |
has atomic mass 244.064279 |  |
is an instance of americium |  |
americium | has phase changed temperature 1347 K at α to β phase crystal transition |  |
has mineral none |  |
has neutron scattering length 0.83 in 10-12 cm units |  |
has mass magnetic susceptibility +5 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 |  |
has electrical resistivity 68 × 10-8 Ω m |  |
has thermal neutron capture cross section 75.3 barns |  |
has longest lived isotope americium 243 |  |
has isotope mass range 227 to 247 |  |
has number of isotopes 23 including nuclear isomers |  |
has pronunciation amer-is-iuhm |  |
has name origin america from English |  |
has discovery location Chicago, Illinois, US |  |
has abundance nil in Earth's crust |  |
has abundance nil in seawater |  |
has world production probably a few kilograms per year |  |
has space group P63/mmc for α phase |  |
has space group Fm3m for β phase |  |
has crystal cell dimension a = 346.80 pm for α phase |  |
has crystal cell dimension a = 489.4 pm for β phase |  |
has crystal type h.c.p. for α phase |  |
has crystal type f.c.c. for β phase |  |
has atomic emission line 367.312 nm for Am I |  |
has atomic emission line 377.750 nm for Am II |  |
has atomic emission line 392.625 nm for Am II |  |
has atomic emission line 408.929 nm for Am II |  |
has atomic emission line 428.926 nm for Am I |  |
has atomic emission line 450.945 nm for Am II |  |
has atomic emission line 457.559 nm for Am II |  |
has atomic emission line 466.279 nm for Am II |  |
has atomic emission line 605.464 nm for Am I (strong) |  |
has term symbol 8S7/2 in ground state |  |
has electron configuration [Rn]5f77s2 in ground state |  |
has mass of element in person nil for a 70 kg average person |  |
has daily dietary intake nil |  |
has level in humans nil |  |
has hazard intense α-radiation, maximum permissible body burden of 241Am is 0.03 μCi - it targets bone. γ radiation is a problem in gram amounts. |  |
has biological role none |  |
has thermal conductivity 10 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K |  |
has molar volume 17.78 cm3 |  |
has heat of sublimation 34.2 kJ mol-1 |  |
has heat of vaporization 284 kJ mol-1 |  |
has heat of fusion 14.4 kJ mol-1 |  |
has boiling point 2880 K |  |
has melting point 1445 K |  |
has electronegativity 1.3 Pauling |  |
has relative atomic mass 243.0614 for americium 243 in units of 12C = 12.000 |  |
has ionic radii 80 pm for Am6+ |  |
has ionic radii 86 pm for Am5+ |  |
has ionic radii 92 pm for Am4+ |  |
has ionic radii 107 pm for Am3+ |  |
has atomic radii 173 pm |  |
has number of protons 95 |  |
has registry number 7440-35-9 for Chemical Abstracts System database |  |
has density 13670 kg m-3 for solid at 293 K |  |
has atomic number 95 |  |
reacts with air, steam and acids, but not alkalis |  |
has discovery date 1944 |  |
has discoverer Glen T. Seaborg, R.A. James, L.O. Morgan, and A. Ghiorso |  |
has uses source of radiation for γ-radiotherapy |  |
has image  |  |
synthetic element | has lifetime |  |
has synthesis mechanism |  |
actinide | has filling orbital 5f |  |
radioactive particle | has desintegration energy the total energy produced when the particle decays |  |
has decay products the products produced immediately after decay |  |
has lifetime The average time in which a particle decays |  |
element | is a part of Universe |  |
has synonym atom |  |
particle | obeys uncertainty principle |  |
has frequency inversely proportional to the wavelength |  |
has wavelength inversely proportional to its momentum |  |
has charge |  |
has mass |  |
column grouped element | has group a column number in the table of the elements |  |
physical object | has location or center of gravity |  |
has angular momentum |  |
has velocity |  |
has momentum |  |
has temperature |  |
has volume |  |
has extent |  |
has material |  |