uncertainty principle | has implication the microscopic realm is a roiling frenzy, awash in a violent sea of quantum fluctuations. |  |
has corollary it is impossible to measure an atomic or nuclear process without at the same time disturbing or altering the process. |  |
has equation Relation | Conjugates |
ΔxΔp ≥ h | position, momentum | ΔEΔt ≥ h | energy, time |
|  |
has synonym Heisenberg uncertainty principle |  |
has discoverer Werner Heisenberg |  |
has example the uncertainty in the measurement of the position of an electron varies inversely as the uncertainty in the measurement of its momentum. |  |
has definition The principle that the fundamental uncertainty in a variable times that in its canonical conjugate is of the order of Planck's constant. |  |
is an instance of quantum law |  |
quantum law | has domain quantum mechanics |  |
theory | has validity correct or incorrect with caveats |  |
has author or reasearch group |  |
has date or a range of dates for which the theory was active |  |