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nuclear process |
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Kinds of nuclear process :
- fission (4 kinds, 9 facts) - In nuclear physics, the splitting of the atomic nucleus of a heavy element, resulting in the emission of nuclear energy and possibly causing a chain reaction (with similar results) within a mass of the element., Interaction in which nucleons previously united in an atomic nuclei are disjoined, releasing energy. Fission powers atomic bombs.
- fusion (24 kinds, 144 facts) - In nuclear physics, the combining of the atomic nuclei of lighter elements to form nuclei of a heavier element. Such a process involving the atomic nuclei of elements lighter than iron is accompanied by the emission of energy; for fusion of heavier elements, energy must be supplied. The process is thought to contribute to the condensation of stars from interstellar gas and dust. See also nuclear fusion., Interaction in which nucleons are forged together, creating new atomic nuclei and releasing energy. Fusion powers hydrogen bombs., Process by which the Sun (and other stars) radiates energy. The nucleus of an atom fuses with the nuclei of other atoms to form new, heavier atoms at the same time releasing large amounts of energy. In the Sun, hydrogen atoms are converted into helium by this process, with carbon and nitrogen as intermediates. Cooler stars undergo the proton-proton cycle with a similar result.
- nuclear decay (3 kinds, 11 facts)
- nucleosynthetic reaction (6 kinds, 14 facts)
- pycnonuclear reaction (5 kinds, 35 facts) - Nuclear process that take place at relatively low temperatures and that are not strongly temperature-dependent.
- Urca process (2 facts) - A series of nuclear reactions, primarily among the iron group of elements, accompanied by a high rate of neutrino formation and postulated as a cause of stellar collapse. Neutrinos carry away energy quickly and invisibly, so this process was named for the Urca casino in Rio de Janeiro, which carried away money the same way.