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nucleosynthetic reaction |
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Kinds of nucleosynthetic reaction :
- 3 alpha process (2 facts) - A nuclear reaction (3 4He → 12C + γ + 7 MeV) by which helium is transformed into carbon. The process is dominant in red giants. At a temperature of about 2 × 108 K and a density of 105 g cm-3, after core hydrogen is exhausted, three α-particles can fuse to form an excited nucleus of carbon 12, which occasionally decays into a stable carbon 12 nucleus. The overall process can be looked upon as an equilibrium between three helium nuclei and the excited 12C*, with occasional irreversible leakage out of the equilibrium into the ground state of carbon 12. Further capture of α-particles by carbon 12 nuclei produces oxygen 16 and neon 20. (also called the triple-α process)
- alpha-process (2 facts) - A hypothetical process of nucleosynthesis, which consisted of redistributing α-particles in the region from neon 20 to iron 56 (and perhaps slightly higher). The α-process has been replaced by explosive and nonexplosive C, O, and Si burning occurring in rapidly evolving or even explosive stages of stellar evolution which at higher temperatures and densities becomes the e-process.
- e-process (2 facts) - A hypothetical group of nuclear reactions by which the iron group is assumed to be synthesized. At temperatures > 5 × 109 K and densities > 3 × 106 g cm-3 there are great numbers of collisions between high-energy photons and nuclei. These collisions break up the nuclei, the fragments of which promptly combine with other particles. Thus, there is in effect an equilibrium between formation and breakup. Since the iron group has the largest binding energies, the particles over the long run will tend to be trapped in these nuclei. The e-process (the e stands for equilibrium) is presumed to occur in a supernova explosion.
- p-process (2 facts) - The name of the hypothetical nucleosynthetic process thought to be responsible for the synthesis of the rare heavy proton-rich nuclei which are bypassed by the r-process and s-processes. It is manifestly less efficient (and therefore rarer) than the s- or r-process, since protons must overcome the Coulomb barrier, and may in fact work as a secondary process on the r-process and s-process nuclei. It seems to involve primarily (p, γ) reactions below cerium (where neutron separation energies are high) and the (γ, n) reactions above cerium (where neutron separation energies are low). The p-process is assumed to occur in supernova envelopes at a temperature greater than about 109 K and at densities less than about 104 g cm-3.
- r-process (3 facts) - The capture of neutrons on a very rapid time scale (i.e., one in which a nucleus can absorb neutrons in rapid succession, so that regions of great nuclear instability are bridged), a theory advanced to account for the existence of all elements heavier than bismuth (up to A ≈ 298) as well as the neutron-rich isotopes heavier than iron. The essential feature of the r-process is the release of great numbers of neutrons in a very short time (less than 100 seconds). The presumed source for such a large flux of neutrons is a supernova, at the boundary between the collapsing neutron star and the ejected material. However, other proposed sources have included such things as supernova shocks and black-hole-neutron-star collisions. The heavier r-process elements are synthesized at a temperature of about 109 K and an assumed neutron density of 1020-1030 per cm3. The r-process is terminated by neutron-induced fission. The existence of 244Pu (half-life 82 million years) in the early solar system shows that at least one r-process event had occurred in the Galaxy just before the formation of the solar system., The creation of elements heavier than zinc through the rapid bombardment of other elements by neutrons. The r process occurs in supernovae. Examples of reprocess elements are gold, iodine, and europium.
- s-process (2 facts) - The process by which elements heavier than copper are formed through a slow flux of neutrons. The s-process operates in red giant stars; prominent s-process elements include barium, zirconium, yttrium, and lanthanum.