advance of the perihelion (2 facts) - The slow rotation of the major axis of a planet's orbit in the same direction as the revolution of the planet itself, due to gravitational interactions with other planets and/or other effects (such as those due to general relativity).
axis motion (9 kinds, 28 facts) - the motion of the axis of a system
direct motion (3 facts) - Motion of a solar-system body from west to east across the sky., For orbital motion in the solar system, motion that is counterclockwise in the orbit as seen from the north pole of the ecliptic; for an object observed on the celestial sphere, motion that is from west to east, resulting from the relative motion of the object and the Earth.
diurnal motion (3 facts) - The apparent westward motion of celestial bodies, as seen from Earth, due to the Earth's axial rotation., The apparent daily motion of celestial bodies across the sky from east to west, caused by the Earth's rotation.
harmonic motion (53 kinds, 171 facts) (periodic motion) - A motion that repeats itself in equal intervals of time. An oscillating particle in harmonic motion is a harmonic oscillator.
mass motion (32 kinds, 73 facts) - A non-uniform matter flow
orbit (5 kinds, 22 facts) - The path in space followed by a celestial body.
prograde motion (3 facts) - Motion in the same direction as the prevailing direction of motion.
proper motion (1 kind, 6 facts) - Apparent angular rate of motion of a star across the line of sight on the celestial sphere., The apparent movement of a star, year after year, caused by the star's velocity across the line of sight. If the star's distance is known, this velocity-called the tangential velocity, can be computed. The star with the largest proper motion is Barnard's Star, whose proper motion is 10.3 arc-seconds per year., The projection onto the celestial sphere of the space motion of a star relative to the solar system; thus the transverse component of the space motion of a star with respect to the solar system. Proper motion is usually tabulated in star catalogs as changes in right ascension and declination per year or century.
regression of the nodes (2 facts) - The slow (19°.35 per year, 360° in 18.6 years), westward motion of the nodes of the Moon's orbit due to perturbations of the Earth and Sun.
retrograde motion (3 facts) - In a backwards direction; in astronomy this means in a direction corresponding to east-to-west., Apparent motion of a planet in a direction opposite to its normal progress across the sky produced by the orbital motion of the earth.
rotation (5 kinds, 18 facts) - Of a single body in space: spinning on an axis. Of a planetary system, rotation is generally planar in relation to the parent star.
wave (48 kinds, 152 facts) - A propagating pattern of disturbance., Propagation of energy by means of coherent vibration.