escape velocity | has definition Speed a satellite must attain in order to free itself from returning to the parent body under the effects of gravity. |  |
has definition The speed at which an object can leave another object behind, without being recalled by its gravitational force. The escape velocity of Earth - which must, for instance, be attained by a spacecraft if it is to reach another planet - is 25,000 miles per hour. |  |
has definition The velocity that a body requires to achieve a parabolic orbit around its primary (Ve = sqrt(2GM/R)). Escape velocity at Earth's surface is 11.2 km s-1; of Moon, 2.4 km s-1; of Sun, 617.7 km s-1 (cf. orbital velocity). |  |
is a kind of velocity |  |
velocity | has base unit length per unit time |  |
quantity | has unit |  |
number | has value |  |