aluminium | al-oo-min-iuhm | Fm3m | | 26.2 GPa | 22 to 31 | aluminium 27 | 293.72 kJ mol-1 | Oersted | 237 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K | 1825 | alumen = alum from latin | 23.03 K-1 | 10.67 kJ mol-1 | foil, granules, ingots, pellets, powder, rod, shot or wire. Safe. Aluminum powder can react dangerously with other materials. | Surinam, Jamaica, Ghana, Indonesia, Russia | 2.45 mg | | 150 years | bauxite, boehmite, diaspore, gibbsite, andalusite, corundum, sillimanite, topaz | 933.52 K | 0.3449 × 10-12 cm |  | depth indenpendent | 125 pm | 2P1/2 in ground state | a = 404.959 pm | 3 - 23 p.p.m. | 60 mg for a 70 kg average person | 0.345 GPa | 6 × 106 tonnes | III | accumulating oceanic element | 70.6 GPa | 21.38 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K | 75.2 GPa | 205 pm | 10.00 cm3 | soft and malleable metal | 2740 K | accumulates in the body from daily intake, compounds are used as food additives and in indigestion tablets | none | 57 pm for Al3+ | 2.6548 × 108 Ω m at 293 K | 26.981539 in units of 12C = 12.000 | bauxite | 44 kJ mol-1 from Al to Al- | 7429-90-5 for Chemical Abstracts System database | 2390 kg m-3 for liquid at 933.52 K melting point | 143 pm | 13 | | 7.7 × 109 kg-1 m3 for solid | Copenhagen, Denmark | 4 - 27 p.p.m. | 11 | 5 g | 0.13 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater | 396.152 nm for Al I (strong) | air to produce a thin protective oxide layer | aluminium 27 which is stable | Al | vehicle, aircraft and construction industries | f.c.c. | 0.7 - 28 p.p.m. | 15 × 106 tonnes per year | [Ne]3s23p1 in ground state | 13 | 0.39 mg dm-3 | 5.16 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction | | 1.61 Pauling |
boron | bohr-on | R3m for α-B | 767 barns | | 8 to 13 | | 538.9 kJ mol-1 | L.J. Lussac and L.J. Thenard | 27.0 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K | 1808 | buraq from Arabic | 5 × 10-6 K-1 | 22.2 kJ mol-1 | crystals, pieces or powder. Safe. | ulexite in USA, Tibet, Chile; colemanite in USA, Turkey | 1 - 3 mg | 10 - 20 g as boric acid | 1 × 107 years | borax, colemanite, datolite, kernite, ulexite | 2573 K | 0.535 × 10-12 cm |  | depth indenpendent | 88 pm | 2P1/2 in ground state | a = 506.7, α = 58deg4' pm for α-B | | 18 mg for a 70 kg average person | | 270 × 106 tonnes as B2O3 | III | accumulating oceanic element | | 20.799 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K | | 208 pm | 4.62 cm3 | Non-metal with several forms - the most common form is a dark amorphous powder, unreactive to water, acids and alkalis. Rare and fragile element. Nuclear reactions in stars destroy it. Most boron is created in space, by cosmic rays that smash into heavier atoms and split them. | 3931 K | boric acid and borates are poisonous, although once used in medicines | essential to plants; toxic in excess | 23 pm for B3+ | 18000 Ω m at 293 K | 10.811 in units of 12C = 12.000 | kernite, borax, ulexite, colemanite | 26.7 kJ mol-1 from B to B- | 7440-42-8 for Chemical Abstracts System database | 2340 kg m-3 for β-rhombohedral solid at 293 K | 83 pm | 5 | | -7.8 × 10-9 kg-1 m3 for solid | Paris, France and London, England | | 6 including nuclear isomers | 5 g as boric acid | 4.41 p.p.m. in seawater | 1166.247 nm for B I | metals to form borides | boron 11 | B | borosilicate glass, detergents and fire-retardants | rhombohedral for α-B | | 1 × 106 tonnes year-1 as B2O3 | [He]2s22p1 in ground state | 5 | | 0.392 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction | 0.33 - 1 p.p.m. in muscle | 2.04 Pauling |