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physical object > natural object > particle > element > column grouped element > group III element > boron
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(B, 2P1/2 in ground state)
boronhas symbol B2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has lethal intake 10 - 20 g as boric acid2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has reserves 270 × 106 tonnes as B2O32001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has main mining area ulexite in USA, Tibet, Chile; colemanite in USA, Turkey2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has mineral borax, colemanite, datolite, kernite, ulexite2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has neutron scattering length 0.535 × 10-12 cm2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has electron affinity 26.7 kJ mol-1 from B to B-2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has toxic intake 5 g as boric acid2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has mass magnetic susceptibility -7.8 × 10-9 kg-1 m3 for solid2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has electrical resistivity 18000 Ω m at 293 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has van der Waals radii 208 pm2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has covalent radii 88 pm2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has thermal neutron capture cross section 767 barns2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has longest lived isotope boron 112001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has isotope mass range 8 to 132001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has number of isotopes 6 including nuclear isomers2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has pronunciation bohr-on2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has name origin buraq from Arabic2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has discovery location Paris, France and London, England2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has abundance 2.63 × 105 in Sun relative to H = 1 × 10122001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has abundance 950 p.p.m. in Earth's crust2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has abundance 4.41 p.p.m. in seawater2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has specimen crystals, pieces or powder. Safe.2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has world production 1 × 106 tonnes year-1 as B2O32001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has chief source kernite, borax, ulexite, colemanite2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has mass absorption coefficient 2.39 cm2 g-1 for CuKalpha X-ray diffraction2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has mass absorption coefficient 0.392 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has space group R3m for α-B2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has crystal cell dimension a = 506.7, α = 58deg4' pm for α-B2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has crystal type rhombohedral for α-B2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 208.891 nm for B I2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 208.957 nm for B I2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 249.667 nm for B I2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 249.773 nm for B I (strong)2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 345.129 nm for B I2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 1166.004 nm for B I2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic emission line 1166.247 nm for B I2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has term symbol 2P1/2 in ground state2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has electron configuration [He]2s22p1 in ground state2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has mass of element in person 18 mg for a 70 kg average person2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has daily dietary intake 1 - 3 mg2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has level in humans 0.13 mg dm-3 in blood2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has level in humans 1.1 - 3.3 p.p.m. in bone2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has level in humans 0.4 - 3.3 p.p.m. in liver2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has level in humans 0.33 - 1 p.p.m. in muscle2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has hazard boric acid and borates are poisonous, although once used in medicines2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has biological role essential to plants; toxic in excess2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has linear expansion coefficient 5 × 10-6 K-12001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has thermal conductivity 27.0 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has molar volume 4.62 cm32001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has heat capacity 11.09 J K-1 mol-1 for α solid at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has heat capacity 20.799 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has heat of vaporization 538.9 kJ mol-12001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has heat of fusion 22.2 kJ mol-12001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has boiling point 3931 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has melting point 2573 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has electronegativity 2.04 Pauling2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has relative atomic mass 10.811 in units of 12C = 12.0002001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has ionic radii 23 pm for B3+2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has atomic radii 83 pm2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has number of protons 52001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has registry number 7440-42-8 for Chemical Abstracts System databasehas source: Chemical Abstracts System, has URL:, 2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has density 2340 kg m-3 for β-rhombohedral solid at 293 K2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has synthesis mechanism2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has ocean oxidation state III2001-09-27 09:28:28.0
has ocean residence time 1 × 107 years2001-09-27 09:28:28.0
has atomic number 52001-09-27 09:29:20.0
reacts with metals to form borides2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has discovery date 18082001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has discoverer L.J. Lussac and L.J. Thenard2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has uses borosilicate glass, detergents and fire-retardants2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
has image 2001-09-27 09:28:32.0
has definition Non-metal with several forms - the most common form is a dark amorphous powder, unreactive to water, acids and alkalis. Rare and fragile element. Nuclear reactions in stars destroy it. Most boron is created in space, by cosmic rays that smash into heavier atoms and split them.has source: Croswell, K. 1995 The Alchemy of the Heavens, Anchor Books, 2001-09-27 09:29:20.0
is a kind of light element2001-09-27 09:28:19.0
is a kind of nonmetallic metalloid2001-09-27 09:28:23.0
is a kind of group III element2001-09-27 09:28:24.0
is a kind of accumulating oceanic element2001-09-27 09:28:28.0
accumulating oceanic elementhas ocean concentration depth indenpendent2001-09-27 09:28:28.0
group III elementhas group 132001-09-27 09:28:24.0
elementis a part of Universe2001-09-27 09:32:17.0
has synonym atom2001-09-27 09:28:19.0
oceanic elementhas occurrence ocean2001-09-27 09:28:26.0
particleobeys uncertainty principle2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
has frequency inversely proportional to the wavelength2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
has wavelength inversely proportional to its momentum2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
has charge2001-09-27 09:28:01.0
has mass2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
physical objecthas location or center of gravity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has angular momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has velocity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has temperature2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has volume2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has extent2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has material2001-09-27 09:27:27.0

Kinds of boron :

Next accumulating oceanic elementbromine    Upaccumulating oceanic element, group III element, light element, nonmetallic metalloid    Previous accumulating oceanic elementantimony