local standard of rest | is a kind of rotating reference frame |  |
has definition An imaginary point, located at the Sun's distance from the Galactic center, that revolves clockwise around the Galaxy on a circular orbit. Astronomers measure a star's U, V, and W velocities with respect to the local standard of rest rather than with respect to the Sun, because the Sun has a slightly noncircular orbit. The orbital velocity of the local standard of rest around the Galaxy is about 220 kilometers per second. |  |
has definition A frame of reference in which the mean motion of stars in the immediate neighborhood is zero. In such a reference system, the motions of stars in the solar neighborhood (a volume of space about 100 pc in diameter) average out to zero (cf. solar motion). It is a coordinate system in which the origin is a point in the galactic plane moving in a circular orbit around the galactic center, and in which the three velocity components are Π, in the direction from the galactic center to the origin; θ, in the direction of galactic rotation; and Z, perpendicular to the galactic plane. |  |
has rotation rate equal to one complete orbit of the Sun around the Milky Way |  |
has acronym LSR |  |
frame of reference | has acceleration |  |