supersymmetry | has definition A symmetry relating fermions and bosons. If supersymmetry is a true symmetry of nature, then every "ordinary" particle has a corresponding "superpartner" which differs in spin by half a unit. |  |
has definition A symmetry principle that relates the properties of particles with a whole number amount of spin (bosons) to those with half a whole (odd) number amount of spin (fermions). |  |
has definition A symmetry that relates the fermions (fractional spin particles) to the bosons (elementary particles with integral spin). |  |
has definition Class of theories that seek to identify symmetrical relationships linking fermions and bosons - i.e., particles of half integer spin, like electrons, protoins, and neutrinos, with those of integral spin, like photons and gluons. If attainable, a fully realized supersymmetry theory would provide a unified account of all four fundamental forces, and might well shed light on the very early evolution of the universe as well. |  |
has definition A mathematical property of some theories of physics proposing that every particle of integer spin (intrinsic angular momentum) has a partner of half integer spin. For example, the photon, which is the particle of light, has a spin of 1 unit. Its hypothesized super symmetric partner is called the photino, which would have a spin of 1/2 units. |  |
is a kind of unified theory |  |
theory | has validity correct or incorrect with caveats |  |
has author or reasearch group |  |
has domain a field of research |  |
has date or a range of dates for which the theory was active |  |