virtual particle | has definition A particle that exists for an extremely short time in an intermediate stage of a reaction or transition. |  |
has definition Particles which take part in virtual processes. They are said to be "off mass-shell", meaning that the relation E2 = p2c2 + m02 c4 does not hold. |  |
has definition Particles that erupt from the vacuum momentarily; they exist on borrowed energy, consistent with the uncertainty principle, and rapidly annihilate, thereby repaying the energy loan. |  |
has definition Quantum uncertainties in energy make it possible for virtual particles to be constantly created and annihilated during elementary particle interactions. Elementary particles are able to make use of these virtual particles within their interactions. |  |
is a kind of particle |  |
particle | obeys uncertainty principle |  |
has frequency inversely proportional to the wavelength |  |
has wavelength inversely proportional to its momentum |  |
has charge |  |
has mass |  |
physical object | has location or center of gravity |  |
has angular momentum |  |
has velocity |  |
has momentum |  |
has temperature |  |
has volume |  |
has extent |  |
has material |  |