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white dwarf comparison table
Subject has surface temperature is part of is a kind of has radiu is an instance of has mass has definition has distance has density
DA white dwarfgreater than 1000 Kelvin white dwarf  greater than 0.08 the sun's massonly strong hydrogen lines present  
DB white dwarfgreater than 1000 Kelvin white dwarf  greater than 0.08 the sun's massonly strong helium lines present  
DC white dwarfgreater than 1000 Kelvin white dwarf  greater than 0.08 the sun's masscontinuous spectrum, no lines clearly visible  
DO white dwarfgreater than 1000 Kelvin white dwarf  greater than 0.08 the sun's massboth He and H lines present  
DQ white dwarfgreater than 1000 Kelvin white dwarf  greater than 0.08 the sun's masscarbon lines (atomic or molecular) present.  
DZ white dwarfgreater than 1000 Kelvin white dwarf  greater than 0.08 the sun's massno He nor H lines, but metallic lines present  
Omicron2 Eridanigreater than 1000 KelvinEridanus  white dwarfgreater than 0.08 the sun's massA triple star that was the first white dwarf ever discovered.16 light-years 
Sirius BTeff = 32000 KCanis Major 0.03 solar radiiwhite dwarf1 solar massCompanion of Sirius, a white dwarf.  
van Maanen's stargreater than 1000 Kelvin   white dwarfgreater than 0.08 the sun's mass 4 pc4 × 105 g cm-3

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