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dynamic binding
(late binding, virtual binding)
dynamic bindingapplies to instance methodsadded by: WH, source: T24e Glossary, 2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
has definition A mechanism by which, when the compiler can't determine which method implementation to use in advance, the runtime system (JVM) selects the appropriate method at runtime, based on the class of the objectadded by: WH, source: T24e Glossary, 2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
has definition The process of binding a call to a particular method. This is performed dynamically at run-time due to the presence of polymorphismsource: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Lethbridge and Laganière, 2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
gives power to polymorphismsource: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Lethbridge and Laganière, 2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
is a subtopic of How Java Works2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
is needed when the compiler determines that there more than one possible method that could be executed by a particular callsource: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Lethbridge and Laganière, 2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
is a kind of bindingadded by: WH, 2001-10-19 11:36:39.0
is a synonym of late binding2001-10-19 11:37:15.0
is a synonym of virtual binding2001-10-19 11:38:15.0