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value > primitive value > integral value > integer > int
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intis a subtopic of Variables and Data Types2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
is a kind of integeradded by: DS, 2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
see also int^2added by: JK, 2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
see also int^3added by: JK, 2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
see also Integer class    source: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Lethbridge and Laganière, 2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
integercan be compared to a floating point value without casting2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
has arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, %, &, ~, <<, <<<, >>, >>>, bitwise or, bitwise exclusive or, ++, --2001-10-19 11:36:58.0
value 2001-10-19 11:38:12.0
has a format2001-10-19 11:38:12.0
has a size in bytes2001-10-19 11:38:12.0