Application Programming Interface (2 kinds, 23 facts) (API) - The specification of how a programmer writing an application accesses the behaviour and state of classes and objects
class (41 kinds, 305 facts) - A software module that provides both procedural and data abstraction. It describes a set of similar objects, called its instances, A blueprint (prototype) that defines (the variables and the methods) common to all objects of a certain kind, A specification that defines variables and methods common to a set of all objects of a certain kind, A template that describes the data and behaviour of its instances called objects
interface (3 kinds, 42 facts) (abstract data type) - In Java, a software module containing a description of a set of operations that certain classes must implement, A named collection of method declarations (without implementations), may also include constant declarations (variables marked static and final)
method (37 kinds, 257 facts) (function, member function) - A concrete implementation of an operation; a procedure in a class, A procedural abstraction used to implement the behaviour of a class, A function defined in a class, Code that specifies some of the behaviour of a class or instance
virtual machine (2 kinds, 28 facts) (VM) - An abstract specification for a computing device that can be implemented in different ways, in software or hardware