earned value chart | can be used to measure the extent to which a project is behind schedule by measuring the horizontal distance between the earned value curve and the budgeted cost of work scheduled |  |
can be used to measure the extent to which you a project is over budget by measuring the vertical distance between the earned value curve and the actual cost curve |  |
has definition A diagram used in project tracking, that allows you to compute the amount by which you are behind schedule and over budget; it shows elapsed time on one axis, and effort expended on the other axis |  |
has curves |  |
is useful for tracking |  |
is a subtopic of 11.5 - Project Scheduling and Tracking |  |
is a kind of diagram |  |
diagram | has advantages it conveys or summarizes complex concepts or mechanisms more easily than other techniques |  |
has problems - can be hard for users to interact with or interpret
- not usable by blind people
- it can be expensive to program diagram drawing software
|  |
should have a label if its meaning is not obvious, using a caption or pop-up label that appears when the user moves the mouse over it |  |