Subject |
need in |
divide into |
lack |
have |
be |
return to |
is a synonym of |
is a subtopic of |
overuse |
implement |
group |
avoid |
override |
create |
hide |
have purpose |
perform |
access by |
has part |
divide up into |
has definition |
help |
name after |
represent |
declare |
draw as |
contain |
have high cohesion |
see also |
abstract method | | | | a comment at its head if the method is non-obvious | equivalent to the terms "routine", "function" or "procedure" which are used in non object oriented languages | | | The Basics of Java | | | | | | | the details of procedures | to serve as a placeholder, indicating that subclasses must have concrete implementations | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
class method | | | | a comment at its head if the method is non-obvious | equivalent to the terms "routine", "function" or "procedure" which are used in non object oriented languages | | static method | The Basics of Java | | | | | | | the details of procedures | implementing functions such as initializing a class, or operating on the complete set of instances of a class | | | | | A method that, unlike an instance method, does not execute in the context of a particular instance of a class | | | | | | | | |
hook method | | | | a comment at its head if the method is non-obvious | equivalent to the terms "routine", "function" or "procedure" which are used in non object oriented languages | | | 3.7 - Basic Description of OCSF- Client Side | | | | | | | the details of procedures | | | | | | A method that does nothing other than returning to its caller, but is designed to be overridden in subclasses | | | | | | | | |
instance method | | | | a comment at its head if the method is non-obvious | equivalent to the terms "routine", "function" or "procedure" which are used in non object oriented languages | | | 2.4 - Methods, Operations and Polymorphism | | | | | | | the details of procedures | | | | | | A method that executes in the context of a particular object; it has access to the instance variables of the given object, and can refer to the object itself using the 'this' keyword (in Java and C++) | | | | | | | | |
Java method | | | side effects if it does not modify any data, and does not leave behind any information, other than its result, that would have an effect on other computations | a comment at its head if the method is non-obvious | public except for those that will definitely need to be called from outside the package | its caller from only one place which should be the last statement | | 9.1 - The Process of Design | | | | | a method in a superclass with the same name | | the details of procedures | | a special-purpose function such as the user interface for a particular system | other methods and variables in any class in the same package by default | | | | | | | | | | if related aspects of a system are kept together in this module, and unrelated aspects are kept out | |
long method | | shorter methods | | a comment at its head if the method is non-obvious | equivalent to the terms "routine", "function" or "procedure" which are used in non object oriented languages | | | Programming Style Guidelines | | | | | | | the details of procedures | | | | | | | | | | | | more than 20 lines of code | | |
utility | a domain model if you have to store or manipulate instances of it in order to implement a requirement | | | a comment at the top describing the purpose of the class, how it should be used, its authors and its history of modification | the unit of data abstraction in an object-oriented program | | | 9.2 - Principles Leading to Good Design | | | the pieces of data that describe some entity, so that programmers can manipulate that data as a unit | | | to hold a responsibility if the responsibility cannot be attributed to any of the existing classes | the details of data | | | | variables | methods | A method or class that has wide applicability to many different subsystems and is designed to be reusable | a programmer to cope with the complexity of data | the internals of a computer system such as 'Record', 'Table', 'Data', 'Structure', or 'Information' | several similar objects | a list of variables, called instance variables, corresponding to data that will be present in each instance | a box with the name of the class inside in a UML class diagram | data associated with each object | | utility^2 |