programmer | can write comments before writing the code |  |
is responsible for anticipating things that can go wrong and writing exception handling code in preparation |  |
is a subtopic of 1.7 - Activities Common to Software Projects |  |
is a subtopic of Programming Style Guidelines |  |
is a kind of software developer |  |
may also design the system |  |
may have difficulty thinking at the level of abstraction needed to create effective models |  |
must ensure that the code she writes based on a UML diagram always respects the constraints imposed by each OCL statement |  |
must learn documentation navigation, which includes looking up the methods available to achieve some objective |  |
often uses glass-box testing informally when he is verifying his own code |  |
should adhere to object oriented principles |  |
should apply the 'isa' rule religiously |  |
should avoid duplication of code |  |
should avoid over-use of class variables or class methods |  |
should choose alternative that makes code simpler over more complicated one |  |
should comment any changes to the code so that it is easy to see what has changed from one version to the next |  |
should comment whatever is non-obvious |  |
should create several small classes, rather than one big, complex class |  |
should ensure that anything that is true in a superclass is also true in its subclasses |  |
should follow consistent guidelines that make programs easy to read when writing programs |  |
should group classes into logical sections with a clear comment separating each section if a class has many methods |  |
should keep related methods together inside a class |  |
should keep the number of instance variables small. If this number exceeds 10, then consider splitting the class into separate classes - e.g. a superclass and a subclass |  |
should not comment obvious things since they add clutter |  |
should not use tab characters in code - use two spaces for indentation instead because when code is printed on certain printers, or displayed in certain editors, the width of the indentation resulting from the tab can vary and make the code hard to read |  |
should pay attention to to the documentation describing which features of Java are deprecated |  |
should reject 'clever' or 'cool' coding techniques unless they make the code simpler to understand |  |
should remember that shorter code is not necessarily better code but unnecessarily long code is also bad |  |
should restructure code to make it simpler if necessary |  |
should take advantage of polymorphism, inheritance, abstract classes, and methods |  |
should use consistent code layout style |  |
should write comments at the same time as writing code , and perhaps even before writing the code |  |
writes program |  |
software developer | asks several evaluators to independently perform heuristic evaluations |  |
develops software |  |
has goal rewarding career, recognition, or the challenge of solving difficult problems or by being a well-respected 'guru' in a certain area of expertise |  |
is part of software development team |  |
maintains software |  |
may be judged on when they deliver product, not on its quality level |  |
may be reluctant to develop new libraries, APIs and frameworks because- developing anything reusable is seen as not directly benefiting the current customer
- If a developer has painstakingly developed a high-quality reusable component, but management only rewards the efforts of people who create the more visible 'final product', then that developer will be reluctant to spend time on reusable components in the future
- Efforts at creating reusable software are often done in a hurry and without enough attention to quality. People thus lose confidence in the resulting components, and in the concepts of reuse and reusability
|  |
may refuse to reuse components in which they lack confidence |  |
most often works on custom software |  |
must inform the project manager about any problems |  |
must understand the customer's business environment, their problems and the available technology which can be used to solve the problems |  |
often fails to adequately involve users in the development process |  |
often has significantly less knowledge about modelling than about design and programming |  |
often underestimates software development time because it is very hard for people to assess the quality of software or to appreciate the amount of work involved in its development |  |
performs cost estimation |  |
reuses libraries and APIs delivered with a programming language |  |
should be rewarded for developing reusable components |  |
should emphasize the use case or use cases which are central to the system, which represent a high risk because of problematic implementation, or which have high political or commercial value |  |
should identify all the use cases associated with the software product |  |
should not document a design only after it is complete |  |
should not omit design documentation |  |
should only reuse technology that others are also reusing |  |
should realize that attention to quality of reusable components is essential so that potential re-users have confidence in them |  |
should realize that developing and reusing reusable components improves reliability, and can foster a sense of confidence |  |
should realize that developing reusable components will normally simplify the resulting design, independently of whether reuse actually occurs |  |
should work for several months on a testing team; this will heighten her awareness of quality problems she should avoid when she returns to designing software |  |
wants software that is easy to design and maintain and which has parts that are easy to reuse |  |
stakeholder | must agree on requirements |  |