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software quality |
subject | fact | |
Kinds of software quality :
- abstraction^2 (4 facts) - The quality of software in which only the essential aspects of something are captured, reducing the complexity apparent to the user
- acceptability (7 facts) - The extent to which customers and users like a system
- cohesion (7 kinds, 5 facts) - A measure of the extent to which related aspects of a system are kept together in the same module, and unrelated aspects are kept out
- coupling (12 kinds, 5 facts) - A measure of the extent to which interdependencies exist between software modules
- effectiveness of a system at handling errors (5 facts)
- effectiveness of error correction (3 facts)
- effectiveness of error detection (3 facts)
- effectiveness of error prevention (3 facts)
- efficiency of use (7 facts) - A measure of how fast an expert user can do their work using the system
- error handling (6 facts)
- external software quality (5 kinds, 4 facts)
- identity (3 facts) - The characteristic of having a distinct existence, such that each entity can be uniquely referred to
- internal software quality (2 kinds, 4 facts) - A software quality that characterize aspects of the design of the software
- learnability (10 facts) - The speed with which a new user can become proficient with the system
- modularity (5 facts) - The extent to which software is divided into components, called modules, which have high internal cohesion, low coupling between each other, and simple interfaces
- polymorphism (6 facts) - A property of object oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes
- portability (3 facts) - The ability for software to be run in a variety of different hardware or software environments with no or minimal changes
- testability (3 facts) - The ability for software to be instrumented so that it can be automatically tested using a test harness
- traceability (5 facts) - The ability to determine the information that led to a decision being made