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stamp coupling
stamp couplingcan be reduced by requiring that all variables of the shared class only be accessible via methods2001-08-30 14:57:46.0
has definition A form of coupling in which two components modify or access data in the same object2001-08-30 14:57:46.0
has disadvantage if the shared class changes, then all the classes that access its variables will likely have to change2001-08-30 14:57:46.0
is a subtopic of 9.2 - Principles Leading to Good Design2001-08-30 14:57:46.0
is a kind of coupling2001-08-30 14:57:46.0
couplingimplies that if you want to reuse one component, you will also have to import all the ones with which it is coupled2001-08-30 14:55:07.0
software qualityis hard to assess2001-08-30 14:57:42.0