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A deployment target is the location for a deployed artifact.
NamedElement (from Kernel , Dependencies ) on page 99
In the metamodel, DeploymentTarget is an abstract metaclass that is a specialization of NamedElement . A DeploymentTarget owns
a set of Deployments.
No additional attributes
Nodes Package
Issue 8137 - reformulate the subsets constraint to document convention and some editorial reformating
• deployment : Deployment [*] The set of Deployments for a DeploymentTarget . {Subsets NamedElement ::clientDependency , Subsets Element::ownedElement}
• / deployedElement : PackageableElement [*] The set of elements that are manifested in an Artifact that is involved in Deployment to a DeploymentTarget . The association is a derived association.
context DeploymentTarget ::deployedElement derive:
No additional constraints
Artifacts are deployed to a deployment target. The deployment target owns the set of deployments that target it.
No additional notation
The following changes from UML 1.x have been made: The capability to deploy artifacts and artifact instances to nodes has
been made explicit based on UML 2.0 instance modeling.